Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Lies, damned lies and .....

I am very fond of women. Indeed, one gave birth to me and quite radically - I married one!
At work, my boss is a woman - coincidentally, she is the same as the aforementioned spouse. Fine!
I support equal rights for women!

But as mentioned in the earlier posting, feminism may once have had simple goals of equality, I do not really know, but certainly in my lifetime it has had a weighty leftwing agenda.
Furthermore, it has been a useful recruitment tool for the extreme left amongst naive and impressionable teenagers.

Let us recall that there are certain things that we MUST believe in this society: there are X million children in poverty; disproportionate numbers of black people are jailed; evolution is a proven scientific fact; global warming has been caused by mankind not by solar activity and volcanos etc, etc.

To these we may add that 'women consistently earn 15% less than men for the same work.'
The way these stats are compiled is never revealed but I suspect that I do know how the feminist activists achieve the useful goal of remaining a 'victimised minority'.
If for example, you take teaching - an area I know well and one where salaries are exactly the same, such a distortion could be achieved by looking at the careers of two people - a man and a woman - at a similar age.
As often as not, the interrupted career pattern of the woman will have resulted in her not having achieved the same number of annual increments as her male colleague, ergo - she earns less but has not done the same years of service!
This is simply dishonest as you will not be comparing like with like.
Show me a supermarket as one example out of countless where hourly rates are less for women!
No. This is mischievous in the extreme and we should not be fooled.

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