Sunday, June 14, 2009


[Note the arrow points leftwards.]
Does The Bible teach that there is a hell? - Indubitably, although the nature of the place is not fully revealed.
Over the years, far better theologians than me have concluded that the worst feature of this is 'being separated from God and recognising the awfulness of that situation'.
Too many liberal Christians have decided to 'abolish hell'.

"God would never condemn somebody - He is much too nice."

Hmm. Where in the Bible does it state that God is prepared to condone sin, evil and unrighteousness?
Jesus was sent to save sinners who have repented according to my understanding. So, what did He come to save them from?
Why has the Bible deceived us on this point, I wonder?

It is a good tactic to pretend that there is no hell as unbelieving and lethargic and fearful Christians then have a ready-made excuse for not passing on the Gospel message. It makes life a great deal easier all round, doesn't it?

The 'near' Christians are happy to engage with the 2nd of the two great commandments, to love their neighbour. Or are they doing? If you really love somebody, you should tell them about hell and how to avoid it.
This does not have to be achieved with the flashing eyes and waving arms of the 'wild-eyed loony' - but it still needs to be done!

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