Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nice one Leicestershire!

"A council has refused to back down after a pensioner was given a parking ticket, for stopping on her own driveway.
Grandmother-of-two Christine Whaling, 64, left her Daewoo Lanos on her drive after nipping home for ten minutes.
But when she returned to the vehicle she was shocked to find a warden had slapped a £70 parking ticket on the windscreen.
The parking warden explained that because she was not entirely on her driveway and had parked partly on the tarmac that crosses the grass verge, she was liable for the penalty.
Mrs Whaling, who has lived in the house with her husband Tom, 67, for more than 40 years, said she had tried unsuccessfully to appeal against the ticket.
She said: 'It is completely unjust, we are pensioners and we are not well off, we can't afford extra expenses."

Regular readers will not be too surprised to learn that Leicestershire County Council has been awarded a much merited LoonyTunesWatch coconut!

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