Friday, June 19, 2009

Active BNP recruitment continues - no lessons learned!

'Gypsies and travellers should be given priority in NHS hospitals and GP surgeries, doctors have been told.
They will be fast-tracked for doctors, nurses and even some dentist appointments above all other patients.
GPs have also been told to see any travellers who simply walk in without an appointment, even if all consultation times for the day are full.
Wait for it: GPs have been told to see any travellers who simply walk in - even if all consultation times for the day are full. They will also be fast-tracked for nurses and dental appointments
They will also be given longer consultations than other patients. Five or ten minutes is the average but travellers will be given 20 minutes and allowed to bring relatives into the consulting rooms.
Staff will be given 'mandatory cultural awareness' training so they can fully understand what it is like to be a traveller or gipsy.
It raises the prospect that other patients will suffer worse healthcare and have to wait even longer to see their GP.
The guidelines have been introduced because, under race laws, gipsies and travellers are defined as minority ethnic groups and the NHS is obliged to consider their special needs and circumstances.'

People see this and become furious. Let us forget the abundance of negatives which gypsies generally bring to local neighbourhoods - I am yet to hear of any positives - these are small beer when compared to the rank unfairness built into this plan.

The vast majority of the population cannot abide: 'special cases', 'positive discrimination', so-called 'levelling the playing field', 'redressing (perceived) unfairnesses in the system' and all the rest of the politically correct claptrap.
If voting BNP is what it takes to allow ordinary folks express their utter disgust at the contempt shown - let us not be too surprised by the recent successes of that party.
Votes for the BNP represent the very deepest of anger. When people have no voice amongst the 'chattering classes' - they respond in the best way they know how by making the ultimate two-fingered gesture.
Shame! They could have protested without going to the extremes of Greens or BNP.

Many Similar Warnings Have Been Ignored.

  Douglas Murray . Mass immigration is killing Europe – and the  political class  just don’t care. I warned nearly a decade ago that our Con...