Thursday, June 04, 2009

A remarkable lady.

Last evening I met a lady whose love for humanity simply shamed me. She and her husband foster 'difficult' children and as I listened to her describe these broken and almost shattered lives - I was staggered how her faith was seeing her through situations coolly and with a smile on her face which would just turn me into a whimpering, gibbering wreck.
Not only did she tell me of the histories of some of these tragic youngsters - Baby P equivalents who hadn't quite managed to die - but she explained about their consequent, appalling behaviour which has major knock on effects into the family and home.
She attempts to repair the damaged, the distraught and the destroyed. That is the love of Christ that I should be able to give out to the same degree and cannot. Yes. I am ashamed!

C.T. Studd, last century was a missionary in China, Africa, and India. He said:
"Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell."

To all you who 'run rescue shops' - may your lives be richly blessed!

Photo, right: CT Studd.

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