Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oops. Wrong again!

'Dinosaurs may not have been as monstrously big as scientists and Hollywood film directors would have us believe. Scientists now believe the original method used to calculate dinosaur mass was flawed. As a result of the mistake, some dinosaurs may have been oversized, it is claimed.
'Palaeontologists have for 25 years used a published statistical model to estimate body weight of giant dinosaurs and other extraordinarily large animals in extinct lineages,' said lead researcher Dr Gary Packard from Colorado State University in the US.
'By re-examining data in the original reference sample, we show that the statistical model is seriously flawed and that the giant dinosaurs probably were only about half as heavy as is generally believed.'

Evolutionary paleontologists are always to be implicitly trusted. I get fed up with it all but must admit to a certain schadenfreude every time one of their houses of cards crumples and disintegrates - which occurs repeatedly!


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