I am wearied by the incessant political correctness in our nation which is an incredibly anti-libertarian culture and am particularly concerned where it infects a large portion of the liberal church. This has a knock on effect into genuine Christianity.
The site also fights atheism, apathy and undemocratic practices from the political class. I fight the liberal elite, marxism - in all its variants, the imperialistic European Union, anti scriptural practices throughout society, the cult of personality, secret societies, those who refuse debate and all who work to enslave our dormant people.
I oppose cheats, the dishonest, the mealy-mouthed and the proclaimers of weasel words.
I want to see the honest, hardworking, decent people rewarded and those who oppose this alienated. I want criminals locked up and our borders secure. I want our troops out of other people's conflicts and I want to retain the freedoms which our masters in Brussels want to remove from us as they dismantle our nation.
I want to see the Saviour given due honour and deference.