I beg my Christian readers to pray daily for this sad man to change.
This Oxford professor is a leading champion of atheism. He also slags off any scientist who does not believe in evolution - although he does not have the courage to debate with them. This may have something to do with his beliefs being cruelly exposed and his knowledge of genetics - his own specialism - being laid open to ridicule from a video interview he did some years ago which did the rounds of his opponents for many years.[Check link below. It really is worth it!]
Meet Richard Dawkins. For those of you who think that this attack on the good prof is maybe over the top, let me show you a horrifying quote from this wretched bigot's latest atheistic diatribe; a poorly argued book.
The political dimensions of Dawkins' thought are easily seen when he states how children should be protected from parents who believe in God.
"How much do we regard children as being the property of their parents?," Dawkins asks. "It's one thing to say people should be free to believe whatever they like, but should they be free to impose

manifest falsehoods?"
Funny how the evolution idea - now clearly "a manifest falsehood" -SHOULD be rammed down our children's throats when people like Dawkins KNOW full well that every 'example' taught to schoolchildren from Galapagos finches to the peppered moth has been discredited AND by their fellow evolutionists who have written articles in science journals. {I know - I saw John Mackay spend an entire evening showing countless examples of just that.}
Please pray!
THAT VIDEO CLIP ON "FROG TO A PRINCE" Note how he [finally] answers a totally different question.
http://tccsa.tc/debate.html A MUST to be seen. ****************************************
http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=101&ArticleID=1929203 Penultimate letter.