Two elderly spinster sisters who have shared a home for 40 years have had a disastrous, mean-spirited, manifestly unjust judgement given against them by judges in the so-called European Court of Human Rights who threw out their case by a 4-3 verdict thus landing them with a £10,000 legal bill. Apparently as relations, their legitimate rights must be seen as inferior to those of homosexual couples.
Joyce and Sybil Burden have lived together all their lives. Their claim was that they should be spared inheritance tax in just the same way as married couples, or homosexuals who form a civil partnership.
The one who lives the longest will now have to sell the family home when the other dies so as to to raise the £61,000 inheritance tax bill.
Welcome to justice in our EU-dominated, politically correct world!
LINK: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2006/09/04/do0401.xml