Saturday, December 23, 2006

Some deaths matter more than others.

Sometimes life is about perspectives. For 40 years and more, the left and their acolytes have huffed and puffed over the imagined horrors of the 'wrongful' executions of Evans and Hanratty in 1950 and 1962. Their relentless - and not always honest - quest for martyrs knew no bounds.
The only small problems being that Eddowes' definitive volume has now proved the guilt of the former beyond any doubt and the Wetherby forensics lab proved the guilt of the latter some four years ago.
Let us assume that our worthy do-gooders; Ludovic Kennedy, the late Paul Foot, Sidney Silverman et al had been correct. How does that relate to an unbelievable figure of 100 murders in the last two years by criminals allegedly under the supervision of the Probation Service? How does that compare to a murder committed every fortnight by a released lifer - a figure which will inevitably rise now that a typical life sentence is just six years? Do the recently slain not matter? They certainly appear to have nobody campaigning on their behalf.

LINKS: "The Two Killers of Rillington Place." John Eddowes.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

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