The latest in a long line, she is Sandra Gidley MP, who turns out to be a health spokesman for the Lib Dems. Why am I not surprised?
I was a fairly sickly child and it wasn't sports which made me fret as much as compulsory cross country - that was a gut wrencher. Would I ban it though? - Of course not!
We have never created a more wimpish generation in the history of civilisation. Children do not have to wonder where their next crust is coming from.They do not even have to make their own entertainment. Few have to struggle in life.
Sports build character and teach better than anything how to be a part of a team. Individual sports are useful too for developing personal targets but can never replace team sports.
We wonder why so many of our children are soft, griping and wet. Wonder no more.
Apparently the banning of team sports was a major plank of the old Communist Chinese Cultural Revolution!
LINK: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/mostpopular.var.1070334.