Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Rubbish follows rubbish.

Channel Four is like a leopard which never changes its spots. On Christmas night itself, it felt its customary need to spit in the face of Christianity; this time with its programme 'The Secret Family of Jesus'.This channel will do anything in its not insignificant power to dilute the truth of Christianity with half-baked legend and long rejected garbage from the dustbin of history.This is presented in a semi-erudite fashion which attempts to give the proffered trash a legitimacy which even the most liberal-minded of theologians would reject out of hand.
To put on such a programme at such a time is calculated to maximise damage to the faith amongst the now considerable numbers of people who have no grounding in it and who will believe whatever is pushed into their face.
All this without the 'Muslim in a veil' episode they also thrust into our longsuffering faces! For those who missed the issue, this was Channel Four's attempt to 'balance' the Christian message [and/or The Queen's Speech] - something they NEVER seek when they push Islam and slag off Christianity in their deplorable fashion throughout the rest of the year. Remember. They ignore complaints!
It is only fair to point out that BBC One has been quite disgraceful with its 'Vicar of Dibley' Christmas special in 2005 - and not a great deal better this year, either.
I wonder if there is a special place in hell reserved for the purveyors of such grievous propaganda?

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=420655&in_page_id=1770

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