Merry Christmas !!
Twas the month before Christmas when all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying nor taking a stand.
Why the Politically Correct Police had taken away,
The reason for Christmas - no one could say.
The children were told by their schools not to sing,
About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.
It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say
December 25th is just a "Holiday".
Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit
Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!
CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod
Something was changing, something quite odd!
Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa
In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda
The "Beeb" made Jesus a person to mock
Premier Radio became a channel to block!
At Dixons and Currys and Woolies and Comet
You won't hear the word Christmas,
lest someone should vomit!!
Inclusive, sensitive, di-ver-si-ty
Are words that were used to intimidate me!
Now Blair, now Blunkett, now Beckett and Blears
On Hewitt, on Hoon and all Labour's peers!
In the House of Commons, there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter
And we spoke not a word, as they privatised our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace!
The true gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started!
So as you celebrate "Winter Break" under your "Dream Tree"
Sipping your Starbucks, LISTEN TO ME!!!.
And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace.
The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started.
So as you celebrate "Winter Break" under your "Dream Tree
Choose your words carefully, choose what you say
Shout! MERRY CHRISTMAS!, not Happy Holiday!
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Melanie - Spot On As Ever.
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