Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas cards.

I have already commented on the horrors of Christmas stamps and the need to campaign for real Christmas cards to which I should add, that a fortnight ago, I trawled through all the shops selling cards in the centre of Sheffield and found the grand total of ZERO Christmas cards worthy of the name.
I put my hands up. In the past I have not been averse to sending cards with joke Santas and the rest.
We did our cards yesterday and admittedly we did use up all the old, bland , leftover, not-Christ-centred ones. {Waste not want not. All very greenly aware and all that.}
From now on, Christian cards or nothing. Join the campaign.
Recent survey of 5,500 cards - Nativity scenes etc in JUST 67!
Honour the Saviour!

Reform UK Have Done The Job.

In the local elections, Reform UK has inflicted inestimable damage onto the Tories. Well done guys! The Tories MUST learn that if they are n...