Friday, December 08, 2006

Magistrate forced to resign.

Christian, Andrew McClintock has been forced to resign from the S. Yorkshire Bench as he was unwilling to allow children to be adopted or fostered by homosexuals; one early victim - many more to come - from the 2005 Civil Partnerships Act. The Sexual Orientation Regulations are currently being put in place to add the icing to the cake.
The same heinous legislation could force me as a teacher to teach heterosexual partnerships and homosexual ones as being on a par.
Well. I for one shall not do that. Our school will not do that. Christian teaching is abundantly clear that sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are sinful.

These abominations are all being challenged in Law; the Equality Regulations of 2003 being cited.

This information came from: 'The English Churchman' - an excellent periodical.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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