Some discover the Living Christ in a FLASH. Some gradually come to realisation and certainty over a period of time.
Jesus invites us to "Seek and you will find." I have never met anybody with an open heart who has failed to discover that Christ is real after honestly seeking.
Once that point is reached, it is a question about relationship; prayer, praise and worship. Every true Christian has a testimony of what God has done in his/her life. We can all point to answered prayer - sometimes to a miraculous degree. Some of us have heard God speak to us, others have 'dreamed dreams' or even 'seen visions'.
This is not mysticism nor mere spirituality but KNOWING the Saviour without whom we are condemned.
There is no other way to God; no other religion; no other means of salvation.
At Christmas what a time to introduce yourself to the Saviour; to repent and invite Him into your life. For some, what a time to rededicate your life to God the Son who loved you enough to die for you.