It was therefore of little surprise to me to learn of the nationality of the police killers recently convicted of the murder of Sharon Beshenivsky.
The death of this excellent lady apart, the contempt for the Law and debate about what punishments should have applied are all important but let us consider the broader issues:-
1) Is there any truth in the tabloid press asssertions that a member of this group escaped to Somalia whilst posing as a female, unchecked at the airport, and face concealed behind a niquab?
2) Why would this man have run back to the very country to which "he could not return" as he was "in fear for his very life there" were he to do so?
3)Why had immigration officials not previously deported this wretch? Why did they accept at face value his clearly bogus claims?
4) Why has the BBC calculatedly attempted to conceal the nationality of these miserable creatures in its reporting?
5) Why are there any Somalis living in the UK in any case? Somalia is not even a member of the Commonwealth? We have no significant historic connections to that nation.
6) How many people are aware that several of these men were out on the streets ON BAIL for firearms offences?
In a single incident we have found: asylum seeker status abused; a government lack of will to deal with bogus refugees; a failure to control our borders [EU - Schengen agreement fails again!]; political correctness in our national broadcaster; failure to deport known criminals; the issue of bail and a great deal more where issues of the Law are concerned.
This government is unfit for purpose and the tragedy is that the 'government waiting in the wings' demonstrates no indications whatsoever that a single area would have been better handled in this tragic instance.
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=424441&in_page_id=1770