When a government cobbles together a mixture of ill-conceived, unwanted, politically-correct, dogmatic gibberish - if it turns around and bites them in the face - good!
The Sexual Orientation Regulations becomes law in April. It means that practising Christians in ministry - and there still are a few - will be forced to act against their Christian conscience and may well mean that priests will be sued for refusal to bless same-sex, civil partnerships.
Vincent Nicols the Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham has been in the forefront of fighting this wicked legislation alongside a favourite on this Blog, the Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali.
Apparently charities, welfare work and Church youth clubs will all be affected and many will close. The Roman Church will be forced to pull out of running adoption agencies if forced to hand children over to homosexuals.
Even Blair's feeble-minded government will surely realise that it has to alter this appalling piece of EU-inspired infamy.
LINK: http://icbirmingham.icnetwork.co.uk/mail/news/centralcity/tm_headline=archbishop-speaks-out-on-gay-rights&method=full&objectid=18170899&siteid=50002-name_page.html