Monday, July 14, 2008

6 separate deaths by stabbing in one day!

Out come the wringers of hands; the utterers of "How can this be happening?"; the do-gooders; the super-sensitive; those who have no concept of justice and of course, the liberal left!

When capital crimes shot up by 126% in the first year after the abolition of capital punishment they did not get it.
When the homicide rate soared five fold, they made excuses and tried to lie with statistics.
When the death penalty arrived in N. York and the murder rate plummeted, they could not comprehend and pointed out that USA homicide rates were much higher than ours - likewise in Texas. [See previous postings].
When released 'lifers' kill at a rate of one a fortnight in the UK, they thought that this could be safely ignored and worried themselves sick instead that an 'innocent' person could possibly be executed once every decade or so.
When abolitionist governments refused to restore the rope, they were prepared to cynically ignore the democratic will of the electorate because it was in accord with their beliefs. Even today, 43 years on, a significant majority of voters are in favour of the death penalty.
When The EU/ECHR/Council of Europe took away our right to execute they applauded as if our rights to self-determination had no meaning.
When we pointed out that criminals had nothing to fear, they said that 'the fear of being caught' was all that deterred criminals.
When we pointed out that 'justice' was not an outmoded concept, they claimed that the death penalty was 'barbaric'.
When we pointed out that evil must be fought, they denied its existence and twisted the Scriptures to accuse us of being 'judgemental'.
When we pointed out their failures, they insisted that the sytem is too harsh [???] and restated their disastrous beliefs that "inside every criminal is a worthy citizen trying to get out."
When we wept for our wrecked society, they still claimed that justice equates to revenge. They failed to see that retribution is cold, measured, impersonal and objective whilst vengeance is subjective.
They have been proved monumentally wrong and take one of two courses - in many cases both.
Firstly, they close their eyes to the scale of the problem. Secondly, they wickedly pretend that there are no alternatives to their views.
As the murder rate rises - watch them squirm and note how few will admit that they have been totally wrong. Never let facts get in the way of a good, liberal prejudice.
This is merely an arcane argument, of course, unless that is, we take into account the extra 15,000+ dead since this nation 'lost its bottle'.

Genesis 9:6 (New International Version)

"Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God ,has God made man."

One Christian's View of War.