Tuesday, July 08, 2008

European Arrest Warrants.

"We can be remarkably insular sometimes. We are outraged - and rightly - at the proposal to repeal a large chunk of the Great Charter to allow internment for six weeks. Yet we don't seem to give a toss about allowing people to be incarcerated for months, even years, without their case coming to trial.
But that doesn't happen in Britain, you protest.

True. It does happen, though, in some EU states, as my constituency mailbag attests. And, since Brussels created the Orwellian-sounding "Area of Freedom Security and Justice", we are part of a common European jurisdiction. Under the European Arrest Warrant, a British subject can be hoicked away to face trial elsewhere without any evidence being presented in this country. To all intents and purposes, the EAW has the same force as a warrant served by one of our own judges."

Dan Hannan MEP. Sunday Telegraph.

The Last Supper.

  A new film exploring the days before and after Jesus' resurrection is now in theaters, giving families of faith a chance to experience...