Monday, July 07, 2008

Childhood obesity.

We are constantly assailed with statistics regarding childhood obesity - and when clearly, most children do not exercise to any great extent as well as stuffing their faces perpetually with junk food, this would not be too surprising.
My problem is the evidence of my own eyes which rather contradicts this.
When I think back to my own school days and the 'fatties' who were to be found in so many classes and then I compare to the classes I have taught in recent years, I would have said that then was considerably worse than now.
It is very like the links between weight and heart problems. Exceptional cases apart where weight really must have been an issue, the vast majority of people I know who have had heart problems have been quite thin, often slight - in many cases exceptionally so.
I may be wrong about this. My 'snapshot' is inevitably a limited one. My perceptions may be mistaken. It is just that we are so frequently misled and deceived from on high that I seem to be permanently suspicious these days.

One Christian's View of War.