Thursday, July 10, 2008

York, The Press. Accuracy.

Sir, Isn’t it amazing what pours from the pens of our EU advocates whenever their pet cow is criticised (Readers’ Letters, July 2).
Messrs Kelly and Coun Christian Vassie are fairly typical, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
It is suggested if we do not agree with EU policies, we can vote against them at our next election. Last time, it was tacitly agreed within our main parties that the EU was not an issue and should not be part of the election. As a Lib Dem politico, Coun Vassie is well aware of this.
Indeed, all our political masters run a mile at the mention of a vote on any EU issues. Denied a vote on our membership of this club, how can our voices be heard?
Coun Vassie points out all governments prefer the EU route to pass tricky legislation as it would never get by on national terms. Isn’t that the point of most of the opposition to the EU and all it stands for?
Nor is the EU the continental peacemaker it is made out to be by its supporters.
In fact, the EU is a vehicle by which politicians in the member countries hope to achieve advantages for their own states, but unfortunately what suits some members badly hurts others.
Charles Rushton

One Christian's View of War.