Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Big feminist has encounter with REAL life.

Over years, the liberal left has systematically destroyed the employment and promotional prospects of many women.
Maternity rules have hammered countless small and medium-sized firms and a great many have fought back in the only way open to them!

[Of course, this has not been the case in the public sector where that 'bottomless pit' known as the Treasury has always come up trumps.]

It is interesting that, against this backcloth, well known feminist Rosie Boycott has had to admit the devastating effects on business when she finds herself having to try to survive.

With idealists, it was ever thus. They always know what is best from the lofty heights of their ivory towers but are simply unable to grasp what happens to real people at ground level.

This is a fascinating link:

Also see posting 'Not sexist' from the 16th April.

One Christian's View of War.
