Monday, July 07, 2008

Open letter.

"Gordon Brown called for prudence in the kitchen last night, telling us not to throw away so much food.
With prices soaring, he suggested we could save up to £8 a week by making our shopping go further.
Waste could be reduced by simple steps such as storing fruit and vegetables in the fridge to make them last longer."

Dear Gordon,

You typify out of touch politicians. You have no concept of what it is like to have your pension wrecked by inept politicians; no idea what it is like to see the jobs in your factory all going to Eastern Europeans; not the slightest inkling of what it is like to be unable to get a foot on the housing ladder as a young person; you could not guess the pain caused by petrol price rises - nor do you grasp the panic running through households as you and your precious EU allow prices to run amok whilst your government pretends that inflation is a mere 3%.

NOW, you dare to patronise us. How dare you tell ME how to manage my budget?

I already manage my budget to the maximum and the only food we ever throw out is salad leaves - a few pence per week.

Sir - you are an embarrassment.


Les .
PS. Do you like fresh coconut?


The Last Supper.

  A new film exploring the days before and after Jesus' resurrection is now in theaters, giving families of faith a chance to experience...