Friday, July 11, 2008

Awful - going on appalling.

Consider the cabinet.. Balls, Harperson, Smith, Blears, Straw, Miliband and to cap it all - Brown himself.
Think of all those sacked from Blair's cabinet - and the sickening reasons why.
I shall not go through all of the rest, it is just too depressing.

Consider the incompetence levels.
These people are so lacking in talent and charisma that you would settle for them just having a modicum of ability and something approaching a personality.

Sadly, that is not to be!
In my daily life, I could take 20 or so people of my own acquaintance and my selection would outdo, nay, completely outshine this hapless rabble.
The trouble is that the tories would only have to be abominably poor to be an improvement.
Tragically, that is what I fully expect them to be!

The Last Supper.

  A new film exploring the days before and after Jesus' resurrection is now in theaters, giving families of faith a chance to experience...