Monday, July 21, 2008

Loss of hope.

Although I tend to heavily criticise those members of today's youth who do not make the best of themselves at school - and certainly there are many more now in this group than ever before - readers might be surprised to see me take their side.

In days gone by, such youngsters were able to give themselves a second chance in the workplace and many grabbed it with both hands.

They moved into apprenticeships, trades or labouring. They formed the main body of our semi-skilled workforce. They earned money and formed an essential part of society.

No longer! The EU has overseen the systematic dismantling of our industries, fishing and agriculture in its bid to turn us into a 'service economy' - incidentally a plan known with certainty to have been within the knowledge of Harold Wilson as long ago as the late 1940s. This has meant that a great many opportunities have been denied to them.

Tragically, so many more options have been removed with the onset of uncontrolled immigration.

So many of these school-hating youngsters who would have had a second chance; the possibility of redeeming themselves, are now without any real hope.

Even if they spend time at college - the chances are high that they will be edged out of jobs by a freshly arrived immigrant.

No car; no house; no career; no holidays abroad; no dreams; no future prospects.

Little wonder that so many are resentful, bitter and turn to anti-social behaviour.
Their situation does not excuse them, and clearly, they should be heavily punished if they step out of line but their hopelessness does provide a fertile soil in which their already damaged attitudes can flower and prosper into something more sinister.

One Christian's View of War.