Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Monday, February 28, 2011
'Fuel poverty' beckons.

Ironically of course, our electricity will still have been generated by nuclear means - it is just that we are not going to have any control over it!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Utterly detached from all reality.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1361012/Fund-school-sex-lessons-Jacqui-Smith-tells-porn-barons.html#ixzz1F8sAI0Xs
Children's hymn.
because the Bible tells me so.'
Don't believe me? - Test it. Be totally honest and 'Taste and see that The Lord is good.'
Nice one, Ben! Sorry, Derrick - you have lost the plot!

Last week, however, marked a new low. For the first time in my life, during a debate on Radio 4’s Today programme, I was called a racist.
The charge was laid against me by Dr Derrick Campbell, chief executive of Race Equality in Sandwell, West Midlands, who told me I had never experienced racism and accused me of ‘stigmatising black people’.
My crime? Daring to speak out on behalf of thousands of ethnic minority children languishing in the laughably titled ‘care’ system because inter-racial adoption has been effectively banned for decades.
I know what I am talking about because, unlike Dr Campbell, I was one of those children. Were it not for the sheer bloody-minded persistence of my adoptive parents, my own life would have been spent in care homes.'
I am really struggling. Whom do I despise more? - Is it racists or the professional 'anti-racists'? Gotta admit - it's a pretty close run thing!
To the good Doctor, this Blog awards an official LoonyTunesWatch coconutRead more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1361031/Ben-Douglas-called-racist-Radio-4-backing-white-parents.html#ixzz1F8oB3dYQ
A thought-provoking observation.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
More ECHR idiocy!
The only victims here are the victims YOU have butchered!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1360800/Its-human-right-chance-freedom-claim-notorious-killers-sentencedieprison.html#ixzz1F2KEWH48
YP - nice one Beryl!
From: Beryl Williams, School Hill, Wakefield.
I READ recently how a nutritionist was trying to educate poor schoolchildren who had never seen a carrot and didn’t know what one looked like.
This state of affairs is usually blamed on poverty. But I wouldn’t mind betting that every single child knew what a cigarette looked like. This isn’t poverty, it is neglect. Cigarettes cost far more than carrots.
Friday, February 25, 2011
One in five shock!

Don't imagine there are too many improvements in communist China.

'Two years after the arrest of Beijing lawyer Gao Zhisheng, Release is calling on supporters to pray for religious rights lawyers currently detained in China.
There is still no news on the condition or whereabouts of missing Christian attorney Gao Zhisheng who has been in custody since February 4, 2009 – except for a brief re-appearance in March-April 2010.
Dr Fan Yafeng, head of the Chinese Christian Human Rights' Lawyers Association, has been under house arrest since October 12 last year. He was taken in for questioning on December 9 and was tortured repeatedly over several days, according to Release partner China Aid.'
Disaster in the offing.
Consider what happens if we are driven out at a point which is not right for us.
Consider the whole edifice failing.
Consider the desperate need to leave - even more demanding in the future than at present.
All these scenarios and many more are extremely frightening because of the following fact.
In World War Two we produced around 50% of our food needs - although some do claim a higher figure for then. Today, we are more heavily reliant on others for food than ever before and most of that comes from the EU.
Dunno about you, but the thought that we have steadily become ever more dependent on the wretched and corrupt EU for our food simply terrifies me!
One in how many?

In 'normal' countries this is just 1 in 12.
In many successful countries the figure is 1 in 15.
In 1906 - our Civil Service had just three and a half thousand workers.
Gordon Brown reduced unemployment by 'magicking' a million jobs out of thin air.
Forget the fact that two thirds went to immigrants - this is not the way to reduce unemployment figures.
Expensive non jobs can hardly be a solution but really are a part of our problems as a nation.
Never forget that the European Union has long determined that we should be a nation which has 'a service economy' and no real agricultural or manufacturing base.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
In the words of Victor Meldrew ......

Town Hall chiefs wanted to evict Rebecca Powell, who receives thousands of pounds in benefits, after she ran up more than £3,500 in arrears on the accommodation she was given because she was homeless.
But the Supreme Court said that – under the controversial European Convention on Human Rights – this would be a breach of the right to ‘respect for a person’s home’.
Council leaders and the Government had fought the case and fear it may now be harder to evict thousands of council tenants who fall into arrears.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1360046/European-human-rights-Rent-arrests-tenant-evicted-rules-judge.html#ixzz1Er7cEtsv

Morality is amazing.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Advert intrusion.

Maybe in some places but ....

Many of those treated by the Health Service complain that they were dehumanised, humiliated and embarrassed by the doctors and nurses who were supposed to be looking after them.' (Mail.)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Three million?

An audit of official figures last night revealed that during the party’s 13 years in power Britain’s foreign-born population increased by three million.
At the same time, nearly a million British citizens left the country.'
This puts a strain on: employment, social services, taxpayers, housing and medical care. It creates a 'ghetto mentality' encouraged by the failed idea of 'multiculturalism'. It attracts a very high percentage of criminals and changes the basic nature of society without the permission of the people.
For this social recklessness alone (deliberate policy according to some Labour sources) - Labour deserves to be out of power for a minimum of three generations!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1359367/Labours-immigration-policy-let-3m-defiance-British-peoples-wishes.htm
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1359336/3million-migrants-came-UK-Labour-biggest-population-growth-1-000-years.html#ixzz1EfYrpsVB R
Mr Homburg hat and astrakhan.

I was left with a sense of deep sorrow. This 'funny man' was dead at 44 having committed suicide in Australia back in 1968.

It may well be that for many, the only aim is to see a social improvement.
Was the Russian Revolution of 1917, for example, justifiable? - In one sense of course, it was in that it fought against the forces of repression that made Russia the most backward and medieval society of its time.
The revolt began and it is easy to see why. Nonetheless, it was only a matter of months before Lenin's Bolshevik forces of evil had subverted all that had gone before and imposed on the people one of the most appalling regimes ever seen in history.
Before starting a revolt - be aware. Things CAN and often do get much, much worse!
The wholesale political executions began in 1918 - and went on for decades running up totals of possibly 50 million dead.
Monday, February 21, 2011
This Blog has long supported airships.

The poll of 3,000 members of the Institute of Leadership and Management revealed that women managers have lower levels of ambition and confidence than their male counterparts.
Ambition: Penny de Valk claims women managers lack confidence at work compared with men
Only 30 per cent of women under the age of 30 said they expect to become senior managers, it found – compared with 45 per cent of men.
Half of women managers said they have a high level of confidence, against 70 per cent of men. Some 73 per cent of women say there is a glass ceiling limiting their prospects of promotion – but only 36 per cent of women feel their own careers have been hindered.
Only 38 per cent of men said that they believe women are held back.
And nearly half of female managers of all ages – 47 per cent – believe there should be quotas of women in the boardroom.
ILM chief executive Penny de Valk said: ‘Women managers tend to lack self-belief and confidence at work compared with men.
‘Women feel a greater sense of risk around promotion, which leads to a more cautious approach to career opportunities.’
The report said: ‘At every stage the career ambitions of women were found to lag behind those of their male counterparts.
‘Fewer women than men have ambitions to reach middle management, department head, general management or director level.’ But women appeared to be far more confident when it comes to starting their own companies, the survey found.'
'Quotas'? - No thanks! That kind of unfairness is simply iniquitous.
More ECHR lunacy.

Teachers have been warned they could be taken to task under the Equality Act if they discipline or exclude such children from schools.
Cash-strapped schools are even told they should launch an ‘outreach’ programme with a dedicated member of staff to ‘build trust’ with traveller families.'
WONDERFUL! The 'tail to wag the dog' once again. Gypsy families not having to conform to society but society having to conform to them!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Okay - what's going on with the mail?
Graffiti in Sheffield.
Aren't you glad that the Bible is generally very clear about what it means?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Chris Patten to be new BBC chairman
Oh dear, oh dear.

John Major, 79, made the comment after interviewing Hitesh Patel for the £119,000-a-year job as chief executive of Monmouthshire County Council.
His stunned colleagues on the recruitment panel reported him and he was hauled before The Adjudication Panel for Wales.
But despite being found guilty of 'racist, discriminatory and inappropriate' language, the former soldier has kept his job on the council.
The adjudication panel also decided not to take action against Major for calling a tanned colleague 'half a wog'. '
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358260/Good-candidate--shame-hes-black-Tory-keeps-job-despite-guilty-job-interview-race-slur.html#ixzz1EOCMHuV5
Worship & learn!
Confrontation: the fightback begins?

They had sought £5,000 each compensation for being unable to vote at the last election. Instead, Mr Justice Langstaff ordered them to PAY £76 each towards the costs of their action. In a decision hailed as a rare legal victory for common sense, he ruled that European judgments should never be allowed to trump laws passed at Westminster.'
In my experience, this is the very first evidence of a fightback from 'the usual quislings' in Parliament and the Courts since Thatcher's day. As marvellous as it is remarkable. It is almost impossible to grasp the possible ramifications. The EU mafia will be going apoplectic. (Good.)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358295/High-Court-kicks-prisoners-bid-vote-compensation-Cameron-told-CAN-defy-Strasbourg-diktats.html#ixzz1EO4ReUXJ
Friday, February 18, 2011
Servant-like Nature-
Mist greets me every morning as it wraps its arms around the mountains.
How God-fearing, as it works so diligently and happily.
What a lesson learned from Servant Mist.
Then I come across Humble River.
So wide and deep, but not fast or loud to speak.
Yet, jewels and beauty beams from the reflection of the bright Star above.
River, teach me to shine.
Oh, let's not forget Bold Mountain and his friends.
And what a character they are.
They secure, protect, and endure
What such great warriors who resist temptation to rest.
Excited they are for the coming King so they can finally rest their heads,
but during their wait, they never rest.
Servant Nature,
warm my heart
quiet my mind
fill my soul.
Wanna see the photo of a buffoon?

Johnny Ball.

He once declared spider flatulence to be more damaging to the environment than fossil fuels.
But the veteran children’s TV presenter is paying the price for his outspoken remarks.
Witch-hunt: Johnny Ball - father of Radio Two DJ Zoe Ball - believes his career has been destroyed.
Yesterday he revealed he has become the victim of a vicious hate campaign by environmentalist ‘zealots’.
This is no surprise to me. Let us make an enormous leap of faith and assume that he is wrong in his opinions. In a free country HE IS ENTITLED TO BE WRONG!
He has been victimised in exactly the same way as was David Bellamy.
When people cease trying to win arguments and resort to shouting, abuse and persecution to make their points - you must suspect that their case contains inherent weaknesses!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358139/Climate-zealots-life-hell-sceptic-says-Johnny-Ball-victim-porn-blog-smears.html#ixzz1EHjNGHmK
Brown had been warned by the IMF!

Instead of taking steps to rectify this, it would seem that in 2006 they bullied the IMF into saying all was well, even though a simulation carried out at the time by the IMF and our own FSA indicated that a financial meltdown was potentially imminent.'
John 13:35.
If we cannot love our fellow Christians - then how can we possibly demonstrate our faith to unbelievers?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
One is easier than the other.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Your preference?
Is the KJV a translation?
Health changes.

Yorks Post wisdom.
IT is becoming increasingly obvious that membership of the single market is not vital for British trade.
There are numerous reasons: more than 90 per cent of British imports are tariff free; the net cost of EU membership is 10 per cent of GDP (£139bn in 2009); there is a huge structural trade deficit with the EU; over 90 per cent of the British economy is not involved in exports to the EU; British export growth is better outside the EU because the EU under-performs economically; British import growth is more from outside the EU; the proportion of British exports going to the EU, already under half, is declining and a country doesn’t have to belong to the single market to export to it.
With regard to this last point, the United States and China sell more goods to the EU than does the UK. Closer to home, Norway and Switzerland export far more in relation to their GDP and population, five times and three times respectively.
One final observation: the ability of the EU to invest in those areas that would lead to a much-needed competitive economy in Europe is severely compromised by a Common Agricultural Policy that takes up roughly half of the EU budget, even though it accounts for only four per cent of EU GDP. In these difficult times when cuts are unavoidable, can we afford to ignore these facts?
Astonishing scientific breakthrough.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Madison quote.
To Barnsley Council - a coconut.

Calvin could be wise on occasion.

It was all so predictable.
Mr Littlejohn is not wrong!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1357039/Those-wicked-Tory-cuts--women-children-first.html#ixzz1E08KmN5b
Monday, February 14, 2011
Does this country have a death penalty?
Raabe scandal.

Dr Hans Christian Raabe was fired from the Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) last week for failing to disclose he had co-authored an academic report linking homosexuality to paedophilia.
His dismissal prompted widespread protests from anti-drugs groups who claimed he had been the subject of a witch-hunt.'
So. Believe the Scriptures and you are not fit to wage war on drugs. ????
If anybody should ever sue - he should! (Incidentally - wasn't his report academically valid, to boot?) Politically incorrect don't mean wrong! This government is just as much liberal left as the last one!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1356686/Christian-GP-sue-Home-Office-sacking-controversial-views-homosexuality.html#ixzz1DuaC7uyH
Think about it!
Does the insanity never end?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Evolved from sheep.

This gives certain confirmation to my hypothesis that mankind has actually evolved from ovine quadrupeds.
To Surrey & Kent police - a coconut!

Home owners in the villages of Tandridge and Tatsfield in Surrey and in Westerham, Brasted and Sundridge in Kent have said they are furious that they are being branded 'criminals' for protecting their property.

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Council of Europe griping? - Tough, we don't care!
The Council of Europe said it was ‘deeply disappointed’ by the defiance of Parliament and had expected better from one of Europe’s oldest democracies, which it said must ‘abide by its international obligations’.
Easily remedied. Tell 'em to get stuffed and we'll leave the whole European fiasco!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1356037/We-expect-better-oldest-democracy-Brussels-bites-defiant-MPs-reject-votes-prisoners.html#ixzz1DkL3eqPh
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wrong again. Wrong as usual!
Uzbek persecution of Pastor ends - finally!

Pastor Dmitry (also known as David) was released from the prison in Andijan on January 21.
Religious rights group Open Doors has confirmed that Dmitry was able to see his mother before her death. He is said to be in good spirits – but suffering from heart and liver problems and high blood pressure.
Pastor Dmitry, who is part of the legally registered Full Gospel Church in Andijan, was arrested on January 21, 2007, over 'illegal religious activities'. In March that year, he was charged under criminal law.'
Now pray for the other persecuted Christians in Uzbekistan!
Source: Release International.
Melanie - Spot On As Ever.
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