Monday, February 28, 2011

Brum beat Gunners.

I just love it when the giant clubs are toppled by ones which are more rooted in reality.

You have to be an ogre to argue with Mel.

'Fuel poverty' beckons.

It is only a matter of time before electricity is going to become a luxury item for pensioners, low earners and the unemployed.
For others it is going to make the kind of painful hole in household budgets which is going to hurt considerably more than our currently soaring petrol prices do.
Successive governments have ignored the problem and pretended that it would go away.
We now have EU bullying directives - which if endured - will close many working power stations.
Billions have been squandered on quixotic windmill projects with the promise of ten billions more to come! All this so that we can use something which hardly works but at least, we shall be able to claim 'green' credentials!
Once again, let us turn to the French who have spent generations building up clean and safe nuclear plants - and who are now looking at us with amused detachment and a certain, gleeful, anticipatory rubbing of hands.
Not only do they have 'the power' but inevitably they will soon be in a position to hold us to ransom as they sell us electricity at grossly inflated prices.
Ironically of course, our electricity will still have been generated by nuclear means - it is just that we are not going to have any control over it!
This is oh-so-typical of green/liberal-left non joined-up thinking!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Utterly detached from all reality.

Former Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith told the sex industry: ‘Put your money where your mouth is. Fund real sex education in schools, promote safe sex and invest in relationship counselling for those who can’t tell the fantasy from reality.’

What a very silly lady!

For the very first time in the history of this esteemed Blog - a second LoonyTunesWatch coconut is awarded in a single day!

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Children's hymn.

'Jesus loves me this I know,
because the Bible tells me so.'

Don't believe me? - Test it. Be totally honest and 'Taste and see that The Lord is good.'

Nice one, Ben! Sorry, Derrick - you have lost the plot!

'Since I grew up as a black boy in the overwhelmingly white London suburb of Teddington, I am no stranger to name-calling.
Last week, however, marked a new low. For the first time in my life, during a debate on Radio 4’s Today programme, I was called a racist.
The charge was laid against me by Dr Derrick Campbell, chief executive of Race Equality in Sandwell, West Midlands, who told me I had never experienced racism and accused me of ‘stigmatising black people’.
My crime? Daring to speak out on behalf of thousands of ethnic minority children languishing in the laughably titled ‘care’ system because inter-racial adoption has been effectively banned for decades.
I know what I am talking about because, unlike Dr Campbell, I was one of those children. Were it not for the sheer bloody-minded persistence of my adoptive parents, my own life would have been spent in care

I am really struggling. Whom do I despise more? - Is it racists or the professional 'anti-racists'? Gotta admit - it's a pretty close run thing!

To the good Doctor, this Blog awards an official LoonyTunesWatch coconutRead more:

A thought-provoking observation.

'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more
violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no
more Israel.’

Benjamin Netanyahu.

I have thought about this at some length and he is not wrong - is he?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

More ECHR idiocy!

'It's our human right to have the chance of freedom, whinge notorious killers sentenced to die in prison!'
The only victims here are the victims YOU have butchered!

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YP - nice one Beryl!

Not poverty but neglect

From: Beryl Williams, School Hill, Wakefield.

I READ recently how a nutritionist was trying to educate poor schoolchildren who had never seen a carrot and didn’t know what one looked like.

This state of affairs is usually blamed on poverty. But I wouldn’t mind betting that every single child knew what a cigarette looked like. This isn’t poverty, it is neglect. Cigarettes cost far more than carrots.

Friday, February 25, 2011

One in five shock!

Apparently one child in five in Hull is 'living in abject poverty' according to a report on Radio Humberside from a trade union.
Poverty is 'in the eye of the beholder'.
If you earn only £80k a year when the average is £100k - you are in RELATIVE poverty.
The activists and leftwingers who make these claims know full well that relative poverty can, by definition, never disappear. It is not even necessarily poverty by any other, rational definition.
These people use this anomaly to propagandise us.
How many children in Hull live on the streets? How many are unclothed? How many are unfed? How many have no access to health care? How many are not allowed an education? How many don't have a TV?

Poverty? - Don't make me laugh!

Don't imagine there are too many improvements in communist China.

Feb 11 2011

'Two years after the arrest of Beijing lawyer Gao Zhisheng, Release is calling on supporters to pray for religious rights lawyers currently detained in China.
There is still no news on the condition or whereabouts of missing Christian attorney Gao Zhisheng who has been in custody since February 4, 2009 – except for a brief re-appearance in March-April 2010.
Dr Fan Yafeng, head of the Chinese Christian Human Rights' Lawyers Association, has been under house arrest since October 12 last year. He was taken in for questioning on December 9 and was tortured repeatedly over several days, according to Release partner China Aid.'

Source: Release Int.

Disaster in the offing.

Consider whether the European Union might be a stable body which may or may not last forever.
Consider what happens if we are driven out at a point which is not right for us.
Consider the whole edifice failing.
Consider the desperate need to leave - even more demanding in the future than at present.

All these scenarios and many more are extremely frightening because of the following fact.
In World War Two we produced around 50% of our food needs - although some do claim a higher figure for then. Today, we are more heavily reliant on others for food than ever before and most of that comes from the EU.
Dunno about you, but the thought that we have steadily become ever more dependent on the wretched and corrupt EU for our food simply terrifies me!

One in how many?

In the UK, one in five works for the government.
In 'normal' countries this is just 1 in 12.
In many successful countries the figure is 1 in 15.
In 1906 - our Civil Service had just three and a half thousand workers.
Gordon Brown reduced unemployment by 'magicking' a million jobs out of thin air.
Forget the fact that two thirds went to immigrants - this is not the way to reduce unemployment figures.
Expensive non jobs can hardly be a solution but really are a part of our problems as a nation.

Never forget that the European Union has long determined that we should be a nation which has 'a service economy' and no real agricultural or manufacturing base.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

In the words of Victor Meldrew ......

'Evicting a woman from her council home for failing to pay rent would breach her human rights, judges ruled yesterday.
Town Hall chiefs wanted to evict Rebecca Powell, who receives thousands of pounds in benefits, after she ran up more than £3,500 in arrears on the accommodation she was given because she was homeless.
But the Supreme Court said that – under the controversial European Convention on Human Rights – this would be a breach of the right to ‘respect for a person’s home’.
Council leaders and the Government had fought the case and fear it may now be harder to evict thousands of council tenants who fall into arrears.'

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Philippians 1:2.

'Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.'


I wonder how many people muttered the words "Serves him right" when they heard of the murder of Colin Hatch in prison. Hatch was a merciless paedophile and killer.
(And being mischievous - I ask myself how many of those would claim normally to oppose capital punishment.)
As a Christian, if you follow an evangelical line, it is very difficult to be an abolitionist as the only way the Scriptures support your argument is if you decontextualise or choose to misinterpret certain portions in both testaments.
Returning to Hatch, there is one point to be remembered by all believers. This man did not have time to repent. And believers want ALL to be saved.
Having embraced evil, I firmly believe that repentance would have been extremely difficult for him but let us consider a rather different scenario and ask a valid question.
In those days when offenders knew precisely when they were going to die - can we honestly say - in the borrowed words of Oscar Wilde - that this did not 'concentrate the mind wonderfully?'
With this hanging over them, we must assume that a far greater percentage did repent than is the case when there is no capital punishment and therefore no immediacy to 'get right with God'.

Morality is amazing.

I usually try to stick to topics which I know a little about or take the words of others and then comment.
For once, today, I really do not know so I shall pose a question instead.

To what extent is psychopathy (and sociopathy too, for that matter) simply amoral behaviour?

In other words, is it possible to be amoral without being one of the above?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Advert intrusion.

The powers that be have determined that our lives should be made considerably worse. They have permitted TV companies to broadcast 12 minutes an hour of adverts rather than the current 7 in amongst films and dramas.
Thanks a bunch!
Do as I do. Record all programmes you want to watch and fast forward through the ads. The advertisers still win as your brain receives the information subliminally but you do not end up wasting large portions of your life peering at commercials.

Maybe in some places but ....

'Up to two in three patients are unhappy with the care they are given on the NHS, an alarming report has found.
Many of those treated by the Health Service complain that they were dehumanised, humiliated and embarrassed by the doctors and nurses who were supposed to be looking after them.'

Not me. This is far from my experience. I and those around me were always treated with care, respect - and also good humour!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Three million?

'Labour's open-door immigration policy led to the largest population explosion since the Saxon invasion more than 1,000 years ago.
An audit of official figures last night revealed that during the party’s 13 years in power Britain’s foreign-born population increased by three million.
At the same time, nearly a million British citizens left the country.'

This puts a strain on: employment, social services, taxpayers, housing and medical care. It creates a 'ghetto mentality' encouraged by the failed idea of 'multiculturalism'. It attracts a very high percentage of criminals and changes the basic nature of society without the permission of the people.
For this social recklessness alone (deliberate policy according to some Labour sources) - Labour deserves to be out of power for a minimum of three generations!

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Mr Homburg hat and astrakhan.

Last night I watched a 6 year old profile of the great Tony Hancock on some obscure TV channel.
I was left with a sense of deep sorrow. This 'funny man' was dead at 44 having committed suicide in Australia back in 1968.

In almost every photograph of the many displayed, his eyes revealed a profound sorrow and discomfort with life.
He turned into an alcoholic; took on the arrogance of fame; embraced violence and self-destruction; betrayed his many friends and seemed incapable of maintaining any relationship.

As Christians, we have a duty to spot those around us who display similar symptoms and we must do our level best to help them. Christ would expect no less.


Just how many revolutions achieve their objectives - if indeed they have any?
It may well be that for many, the only aim is to see a social improvement.
Was the Russian Revolution of 1917, for example, justifiable? - In one sense of course, it was in that it fought against the forces of repression that made Russia the most backward and medieval society of its time.
The revolt began and it is easy to see why. Nonetheless, it was only a matter of months before Lenin's Bolshevik forces of evil had subverted all that had gone before and imposed on the people one of the most appalling regimes ever seen in history.
Before starting a revolt - be aware. Things CAN and often do get much, much worse!
The wholesale political executions began in 1918 - and went on for decades running up totals of possibly 50 million dead.

Monday, February 21, 2011

This Blog has long supported airships.


'The advance of women to company boardrooms is slowed not by discrimination but by the decisions of women workers themselves, the report also found.
The poll of 3,000 members of the Institute of Leadership and Management revealed that women managers have lower levels of ambition and confidence than their male counterparts.
Ambition: Penny de Valk claims women managers lack confidence at work compared with men
Only 30 per cent of women under the age of 30 said they expect to become senior managers, it found – compared with 45 per cent of men.
Half of women managers said they have a high level of confidence, against 70 per cent of men. Some 73 per cent of women say there is a glass ceiling limiting their prospects of promotion – but only 36 per cent of women feel their own careers have been hindered.
Only 38 per cent of men said that they believe women are held back.
And nearly half of female managers of all ages – 47 per cent – believe there should be quotas of women in the boardroom.
ILM chief executive Penny de Valk said: ‘Women managers tend to lack self-belief and confidence at work compared with men.
‘Women feel a greater sense of risk around promotion, which leads to a more cautious approach to career opportunities.’
The report said: ‘At every stage the career ambitions of women were found to lag behind those of their male counterparts.
‘Fewer women than men have ambitions to reach middle management, department head, general management or director level.’ But women appeared to be far more confident when it comes to starting their own companies, the survey found.'

As somebody who fully supports equality for women in the workplace, I feel the information above is long overdue. For too long, we have had to listen to the bleating of feminists who have discovered plots where none existed.
Add this to the 'interrupted career patterns' to which I have often drawn attention and there can be a much better understanding of workings of our society today.
'Quotas'? - No thanks! That kind of unfairness is simply iniquitous.
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Why have people ever doubted the intelligence of sheep?

More ECHR lunacy.

'Schools have been told they have to make special allowances for misbehaving pupils from gypsy and traveller families
Teachers have been warned they could be taken to task under the Equality Act if they discipline or exclude such children from schools.
Cash-strapped schools are even told they should launch an ‘outreach’ programme with a dedicated member of staff to ‘build trust’ with traveller families.'
WONDERFUL! The 'tail to wag the dog' once again. Gypsy families not having to conform to society but society having to conform to them!

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Okay - what's going on with the mail?

Something is definitely wrong. My invite to Will & Kate's nuptials has not arrived yet. It's time the Royal Mail got stuck into doing its job properly!

Graffiti in Sheffield.

“To journey en masse into illusion is to sleepwalk through destination’s wake, along the pre-determined channels of a cyclical stream; to break fear in isolation’s truth is to believe yourself bathing not drowning, forever entwined in the tranquillity of dream...”

Aren't you glad that the Bible is generally very clear about what it means?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chris Patten to be new BBC chairman

Oh dear. I thought that we'd heard the last of Patten and now he turns up at the Beeb.
Yet another leftwing tory. At one time that description would have been an oxymoron but sadly, no longer.

Oh dear, oh dear.

'A Tory councillor who said of a job interview applicant 'Good candidate, shame he's black' has kept his job despite being found guilty of making the racist slur.
John Major, 79, made the comment after interviewing Hitesh Patel for the £119,000-a-year job as chief executive of Monmouthshire County Council.
His stunned colleagues on the recruitment panel reported him and he was hauled before The Adjudication Panel for Wales.
But despite being found guilty of 'racist, discriminatory and inappropriate' language, the former soldier has kept his job on the council.
The adjudication panel also decided not to take action against Major for calling a tanned colleague 'half a wog'. '

BNP and the tories are welcome to people like him - in UKIP we don't tolerate bigots like this!

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Worship & learn!

In 2006, the American Society of Hypertension stated that church-goers have lower blood pressure than the non-faithful.

Can we possibly be surprised?

Confrontation: the fightback begins?

'Almost 600 criminals trying to make money out of the voting ban on prisoners were slapped down by a High Court judge yesterday.
They had sought £5,000 each compensation for being unable to vote at the last election. Instead, Mr Justice Langstaff ordered them to PAY £76 each towards the costs of their action. In a decision hailed as a rare legal victory for common sense, he ruled that European judgments should never be allowed to trump laws passed at Westminster.'

In my experience, this is the very first evidence of a fightback from 'the usual quislings' in Parliament and the Courts since Thatcher's day. As marvellous as it is remarkable. It is almost impossible to grasp the possible ramifications. The EU mafia will be going apoplectic. (Good.)

However - this cannot be. Our membership of the EU is dependent on our being part of the ECHR. This decision cannot stand: will not be allowed to stand. At the very least, it will be watered down in some way.
Our politicians lack the moral fibre to allow this 'horse and cart' to go unchecked.
DO remember that around 95% of MPs are fully sold out to the 'European ideal'.

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Friday, February 18, 2011


Share The Teacher Earth.
Servant-like Nature-
Mist greets me every morning as it wraps its arms around the mountains.
How God-fearing, as it works so diligently and happily.
What a lesson learned from Servant Mist.

Then I come across Humble River.
So wide and deep, but not fast or loud to speak.
Yet, jewels and beauty beams from the reflection of the bright Star above.
River, teach me to shine.

Oh, let's not forget Bold Mountain and his friends.
And what a character they are.
They secure, protect, and endure
What such great warriors who resist temptation to rest.
Excited they are for the coming King so they can finally rest their heads,
but during their wait, they never rest.

Servant Nature,
warm my heart
quiet my mind
fill my soul.


Wanna see the photo of a buffoon?

Jean-Paul Costa, a senior ECHR judge - indeed president, no less - has stated that the UK withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights would put Britain on a par with the military junta which once ruled Greece.

Why do we have to put up with the inane rantings of politically-motivated, imperialistic buffoons - AND allow them to run our nation?
We must quit the EU and wave bye byes to the wicked ECHR which of course, is NOT a part of the EU at all - or so they claim!
On the scale of exaggeration where a 'one' is valid argument with a slight bias - he gets a TEN!

Johnny Ball.

As a climate change sceptic, Johnny Ball doesn’t mince his words.
He once declared
spider flatulence to be more damaging to the environment than fossil fuels.
But the veteran children’s TV presenter is paying the price for his outspoken remarks.
Witch-hunt: Johnny Ball - father of Radio Two DJ Zoe Ball - believes his career has been destroyed.
Yesterday he revealed he has become the victim of a vicious hate campaign by environmentalist ‘zealots’.

This is no surprise to me. Let us make an enormous leap of faith and assume that he is wrong in his opinions. In a free country HE IS ENTITLED TO BE WRONG!
He has been victimised in exactly the same way as was David Bellamy.
When people cease trying to win arguments and resort to shouting, abuse and persecution to make their points - you must suspect that their case contains inherent weaknesses!

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Brown had been warned by the IMF!

'Gordon Brown and his Labour colleagues were warned by the IMF as early as 2003 that their spending was on an “unsustainable course”.
Instead of taking steps to rectify this, it would seem that in 2006 they bullied the IMF into saying all was well, even though a simulation carried out at the time by the IMF and our own FSA indicated that a financial meltdown was potentially imminent
(Paul Rouse.)
Argue your way out of that one all ye Labour lapdogs!

John 13:35.

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

If we cannot love our fellow Christians - then how can we possibly demonstrate our faith to unbelievers?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Not always best to know.

One is easier than the other.

I have commented in the past on how difficult it is going to be remove 'the tares from the wheat' in the sickness benefit culture. Innocent people are going to be damaged as the 'bad apples' are squeezed out.
In theory at least, it should be considerably easier to sort out unemployment benefits.
It is not over simplistic to insist that once anybody has been offered a job - they must take it!
If they do not care for the post then it becomes entirely their responsibility to find another or benefits will be lost.
At the same time it is the government's responsibility to ensure that nobody is better off by not being in work.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Your preference?

Which would you prefer to have, political correctness or freedom of speech?


Is the KJV a translation?

The KJV is often labelled a “translation.” But more than 80 per cent of its New Testament and much of its Old Testament content was the work of William Tyndale, whose translations of original Greek and Hebrew texts had appeared nearly a century earlier.

Health changes.

We all want excellent healthcare: we all want value for our tax money.
Did the giant trusts do the job? - No!
Will Cameron's NHS changes work? - Possibly - but it is a definite risk!
The reaon why we may be able to have a little optimism is that it moves closer to the French model which is the envy of the world even if President Bruni is trying at the moment to slash his nation's spending on health!
The French system ensures that 'the money follows the patient' and is not 'top funded'. If we are moving closer to that - then there is a chance that we shall endup with more healthcare professionals and fewer bureaucrats.
Could GP greed wreck the attempt, I wonder?

Yorks Post wisdom.

From: John D Clark, Burnsall, North Yorkshire.

IT is becoming increasingly obvious that membership of the single market is not vital for British trade.
There are numerous reasons: more than 90 per cent of British imports are tariff free; the net cost of EU membership is 10 per cent of GDP (£139bn in 2009); there is a huge structural trade deficit with the EU; over 90 per cent of the British economy is not involved in exports to the EU; British export growth is better outside the EU because the EU under-performs economically; British import growth is more from outside the EU; the proportion of British exports going to the EU, already under half, is declining and a country doesn’t have to belong to the single market to export to it.
With regard to this last point, the United States and China sell more goods to the EU than does the UK. Closer to home, Norway and Switzerland export far more in relation to their GDP and population, five times and three times respectively.

One final observation: the ability of the EU to invest in those areas that would lead to a much-needed competitive economy in Europe is severely compromised by a Common Agricultural Policy that takes up roughly half of the EU budget, even though it accounts for only four per cent of EU GDP. In these difficult times when cuts are unavoidable, can we afford to ignore these facts?

Astonishing scientific breakthrough.

Scientists have recently discovered that zinc tablets and lozenges help combat the common cold.
Funnily enough, I can remember tins of zinc lozenges used for that very purpose more than half a century ago!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Madison quote.

"Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks, no form of government can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical idea."

James Madison.

To Barnsley Council - a coconut.

This Blog hereby awards the much coveted LoonyTunesWatch coconut to Barnsley Council.
This can surely not be accidental. They have clearly attempted to engineer this honour. How so, do you ask?

They have sent a lengthy, highly complex form to all Alzheimers sufferers in the town.
Well done. Well earned!

Calvin could be wise on occasion.

“Without the gospel everything is useless and vain; without the gospel we are not Christians; without the gospel all riches is poverty, all wisdom folly before God; strength is weakness, and all the justice of man is under the condemnation of God. But by the knowledge of the gospel we are made children of God, brothers of Jesus Christ, fellow townsmen with the saints, citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, heirs of God with Jesus Christ, by whom the poor are made rich, the weak strong, the fools wise, the sinner justified, the desolate comforted, the doubting sure, and slaves free. It is the power of God for the salvation of all those who believe …”

It was all so predictable.

'While people tell the pollsters they accept the need for reductions in public spending, they recoil from any ‘cut’ which may affect them personally. That’s precisely why the calculating council bosses are deliberately slashing popular services such as school crossing patrols and swimming pools, rather than taking a scythe to the vast waste and bureaucracy which infests practically every government department in the country.'

Mr Littlejohn is not wrong!

Read more:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Does this country have a death penalty?

The answer to the question in the title is an unequivocal 'yes'. Unfortunately however, it is exercised solely by criminals!

Raabe scandal.

'A Christian GP sacked from a Government drugs advisory body for his ‘controversial’ views on homosexuality has discovered that a Home Office report made similar points.
Dr Hans Christian Raabe was fired from the Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) last week for failing to disclose he had co-authored an academic report linking homosexuality to paedophilia.
His dismissal prompted widespread protests from anti-drugs groups who claimed he had been the subject of a witch-hunt.'
So. Believe the Scriptures and you are not fit to wage war on drugs. ????

If anybody should ever sue - he should! (Incidentally - wasn't his report academically valid, to boot?) Politically incorrect don't mean wrong! This government is just as much liberal left as the last one!

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Think about it!

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Benjamin Franklin.

Does the insanity never end?

Apparently, Labour allowed 155,000 illegal immigrants to qualify for sickness benefits and maternity pay.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Evolved from sheep.

'Sheep can pass psychological tests that monkeys would fail' according to a recent scientific study.
This gives certain confirmation to my hypothesis that mankind has actually evolved from ovine quadrupeds.

This information would definitely prove that point when we consider that people are still voting for the policies of the LibLabCon which they actually do not want!
They follow the flock and fail to vote for the one party which is the most representative of public opinion over the widest range of issues.

To Surrey & Kent police - a coconut!

'Residents in Surrey and Kent villages have been ordered by police to remove wire mesh from their windows as burglars could be injured.
Home owners in the villages of Tandridge and Tatsfield in Surrey and in Westerham, Brasted and Sundridge in Kent have said they are furious that they are being branded 'criminals' for protecting their property.

'To the 'boys in blue' this Blog hereby awards a LoonyTunesWatch coconut!

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When my wife walks home in the dark after work, I worry. In the first half of the 20th century such concerns were rare.
Society has changed. Today, it is ordinary people who fear - and criminals who do not.
(See posting above!)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Council of Europe griping? - Tough, we don't care!

'The body that oversees European human rights law angered MPs last night by attacking their decision to reject demands to give prisoners the vote.
The Council of Europe said it was ‘deeply disappointed’ by the defiance of Parliament and had expected better from one of Europe’s oldest democracies, which it said must ‘abide by its international obligations’.

Easily remedied. Tell 'em to get stuffed and we'll leave the whole European fiasco!

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We'd all better pray that his replacement is not some crazy, warmonger.
Democrat or no, Mubarak has kept the peace in The Middle East for a very long time.
This not a localised issue. World peace is at stake.
Remind me what the Bible teaches about the plains of Har Megiddo.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wrong again. Wrong as usual!

As for once, Parliament gets something right in voting down the idiocy of the ECHR intrusion on 'votes for felons' - up pops the A of C, voicing idiotic opinions.
The man is 'not fit for purpose'!

Uzbek persecution of Pastor ends - finally!

'Uzbek pastor Dmitry Shestakov has been released from jail four years after his arrest – and three days before his mother's death.
Pastor Dmitry (also known as David) was released from the prison in Andijan on January 21.
Religious rights group Open Doors has confirmed that Dmitry was able to see his mother before her death. He is said to be in good spirits – but suffering from heart and liver problems and high blood pressure.
Pastor Dmitry, who is part of the legally registered Full Gospel Church in Andijan, was arrested on January 21, 2007, over 'illegal religious activities'. In March that year, he was charged under criminal law.'
Now pray for the other persecuted Christians in Uzbekistan!

Source: Release International.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...