From the L. A. Times
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal , whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County. )
(All 10 of the above are from the Los Angeles Times)
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking US crops, but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida , and New York) results from immigration.
29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
Can we learn from the US disaster?
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Feet of clay.
How tragic that the Bishop of St Davids has had to resign because of adultery.
I have always thought that even the greatest amongst us have feet of clay.
We are not protected from sin by high office; nor by titles; nor by position. In fact it is quite possibly the case that the higher you go, the more spiritually vulnerable you become. The higher you go, the more you must rely on the Holy Spirit in your life
I have always thought that even the greatest amongst us have feet of clay.
We are not protected from sin by high office; nor by titles; nor by position. In fact it is quite possibly the case that the higher you go, the more spiritually vulnerable you become. The higher you go, the more you must rely on the Holy Spirit in your life
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Brown 0 - Field 1.
.... this has always been apparent from his {Brown's} determination to trap people ever higher up the income scale into welfare dependency through the extension of means-tested benefits; to penalise and undermine marriage, the most effective institution for helping people live self-reliant lives; and effectively to nationalise childhood through ever more intrusive child care provision.
There was one anti-poverty campaigner who saw through all this from the start. He warned that Gordon Brown's agenda was likely to deepen and widen poverty rather than alleviate it.
He warned that the extension of means-testing would spread the net of welfare dependency still further and suck more people into dishonesty as they succumbed to the temptation-to fiddle the system.....
And he warned about the deserts of fatherlessness and uncontrollable children being created by welfare incentives for single parenthood.
The name of that far-sighted individual was Frank Field. It is indeed fitting that the revolt against the abolition of the 10p tax band has been led by Mr Field.
For not only have his prescient warnings fallen on deaf Treasury ears, but he has always held Chancellor Brown responsible for the abrupt termination of his ministerial career when, having been charged by Tony Blair to think the unthinkable about welfare, he was promptly sacked when he did.'
Thankyou AGAIN Melanie for 'telling it how it is.'
There was one anti-poverty campaigner who saw through all this from the start. He warned that Gordon Brown's agenda was likely to deepen and widen poverty rather than alleviate it.
He warned that the extension of means-testing would spread the net of welfare dependency still further and suck more people into dishonesty as they succumbed to the temptation-to fiddle the system.....
And he warned about the deserts of fatherlessness and uncontrollable children being created by welfare incentives for single parenthood.
The name of that far-sighted individual was Frank Field. It is indeed fitting that the revolt against the abolition of the 10p tax band has been led by Mr Field.
For not only have his prescient warnings fallen on deaf Treasury ears, but he has always held Chancellor Brown responsible for the abrupt termination of his ministerial career when, having been charged by Tony Blair to think the unthinkable about welfare, he was promptly sacked when he did.'
Thankyou AGAIN Melanie for 'telling it how it is.'
Another winner for the Belgian Police!

Well, they can:
Allegedly searching for "illegal workers," police officers and social inspectors raided the Assemblies of God's International Christian Academy and the International Media Ministries centre in Rhode-Saint-Genèse on February 7. Some burst into the elementary school attended by about 35 children and confronted the six teachers in front of the children. Most of the pupils' parents are missionaries, ambassadors, or employees of international institutions.
Get used to it. This is the policing of the future in the EU.
[Sorry I was so long picking up on this item.]
Sunday, April 27, 2008
London's mayor.
Mr Hannan.

wrote the following:-
Only once did the EU abandon its secrecy: in 2004, the European Constitution was drafted in impeccably plain language - and was duly rejected by 55 per cent of French voters and 62 per cent of Dutch voters.
Immediately, Eurocrats went back to the tried-and-tested Monnet method: never reveal more than absolutely necessary; never let in the daylight.....
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Thatcher - an honest review.
Breaking INTO prison.

People are actually BREAKING INTO PRISONS!
He describes a prison system so soft that you could weep - a system where the iniquitous 'Human Rights legislation' from Europe has done untold harm. Read the link below for the full story.
Thankyou all you sellout merchants who have tied us to the EU and the European Courts. At least we know where blame should be allocated - to you and the liberal left who LIKE being nice to the appalling, irrespective of their crimes.
Had you wondered why prison seems to be deterring rather less these days?
Littlejohn v Straw - only one winner!

He acted like a silly kid then and his Peter Pan tendency has never departed.
Here is Littlejohn:
The last resort of a politician.
Jack Straw's got a damn cheek. In the Mail this week he was banging the drum for St George's Day and parroting the line about "reclaiming" Englishness from the Far Right.
It doesn't seem to have occurred to Jolly Jack that people like him are the reason there has been a resurgence of interest in St George and flirtation with parties like the BNP.
Not so long ago this hypocrite was denouncing any form of English national identity. The English couldn't be trusted because they were "potentially very aggressive, very violent" he told the BBC.
Fiscally prudent. If....
The Adam Smith Institute - an organisation unafraid to 'tell it like it is' - has an interesting financial titbit for us;
If public spending had only grown in line with inflation since 1997, we could have abolished income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax, leaving the taxpayer £200 billion better off.
Missed chance, eh Gordon?
If public spending had only grown in line with inflation since 1997, we could have abolished income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax, leaving the taxpayer £200 billion better off.
Missed chance, eh Gordon?
Hey there doods, but you know ...

In 2006-7, there were 213,624 cases of psychosis diagnosed, compared with 176,776 the year before the law changed. Similarly, diagnoses of schizophrenia were up from 40,763 in 2003-4 to 45,955 in 2006-7.
The statistics were published by the Department of Health in answer to a written parliamentary question from Conservative MP Graham Brady, who said they were "shocking".
Friday, April 25, 2008
Freedom at last.

Explain this fact to readers of those newspapers which dare not let this information appear in the public domain and they stare at you in rank disbelief as if you are deranged.
In 1963, Tax Freedom Day was the 24th of April. NOW do you see what they are doing to us.
Little wonder that UKIP is investigating the possibilities of a flat tax system. They all have flaws but what could possibly be worse than the grossly unfair and disincentivising system that we have now?
You dare not lose.

As sensible teachers, they fully agreed and emphasised the point. They are capable of objectivity.They will have relatively few problems as their children grow.
Those who spoil and indulge their offspring; those who take their side when told of their child's wrongdoing and yes, those who lose a single battle, are facing trouble - big style!
If that is how you raise your children YOU may need to rely on good luck.
Good luck!
Family breakdown.

One of the report's authors, Stephen Scott, Professor of Child Health and Behaviour at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, described how family breakdown can harm children's mental health.
He said: "It is as much about the problems arising from family breakdown as the event itself. Young people don't like being in different homes on different days of the week and get upset by strife between their parents."
Not really a surprise. But in this day and age, if there isn't a report to say so, the problem of course, 'does not exist'.
Thanks are fully due to the liberal left and the trendies who have worked so hard and so selflessly to undermine marriage and wreck the lives of so many. Blame where blame is due!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Another success for our bail system.

No comment needed!
Proof that the tories are unfit to govern.

Yes, but ....
Anne Main, Tory member for St Albans, said: "Part of the problem is we did not see this coming. It was not predicted and funding was not in place. The figures were totally unanticipated."
Funny that. I thought that everybody HAD predicted it!
It is just that the idiot left had told us that we were all wrong - seemingly, that includes tories!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Desperate Dawkins.

GK Chesterton: " When a man believes in nothing, he will believe in anything."
The evolutionary hypothesis is clearly struggling - big time!
Utterly repugnant.
You may not yet have realised just how low the appalling European Union will sink to get its own way.
Once you have seen the repugnant adverts on this link as the hapless EU tries to con Irish voters to say 'yes' to the wretched treaty - you may BEGIN to understand!
Once you have seen the repugnant adverts on this link as the hapless EU tries to con Irish voters to say 'yes' to the wretched treaty - you may BEGIN to understand!
Prescribed killers.
A warning about the dangers of prescribed drugs.
The site reference given at the end of the film is the one below of my longterm friend, campaigner Ray Nimmo whose life was irreparably damaged by the actions of an incompetent quack.
Ray has spent a great deal of time trying to educate and warn of the dangers.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Good news from UKIP.

Dr Spink has joined UKIP to help fight the European Union and to argue for more relevant policies at Westminster on issues that concern the British people.
Dr Spink said: "I am delighted to join the UKIP team, helping to fight for Britain's interests in Europe and for better policy on the issues that really matter to people.
"I have been increasingly disappointed with the Tory Party's failure to be honest with the public on a wide range of issues such as pensions, crime, immigration and defence, which is why I voted against the Tory whip so often in recent years and finally

"I am delighted to join a strong UKIP team in which I will continue to fight for the primacy of our Parliament, our democracy and freedoms. I am pro, not anti-European, but positive and sensible co-operation with the EU does not require us to sell the British people down the river or to give our independence away."
UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: "I am delighted to welcome the hard working and deeply principled Bob Spink as UKIP's first Member of Parliament.
"As Bob is a signatory to the 'Better Off Out' campaign, joining UKIP was a logical step."
UKIP Peer, Lord Willoughby de Broke said: "I am thrilled that UKIP now has a representative in the House of Commons. I look forward to working with him to further UKIP's programme of leaving the European Union."
Frank! ...... Frank! ........
Bare-faced lies to support EU!
If you go to this link we see the evidence of media LIES; THE PROOF.
During an attempt to assault activists who asked him a question in Dublin, a European MEP tripped and fell on his face and the entire incident was caught on camera, but that didn’t stop the media from reporting that an "anti-EU gang" of thugs had screamed abuse and assaulted Proinsias de Rossa - in a crass attempt to smear opposition to the European Union.
Naturally, The BBC, The Belfast Telegraph and Associated Press were all caught out!
If you go to this link we see the evidence of media LIES; THE PROOF.
During an attempt to assault activists who asked him a question in Dublin, a European MEP tripped and fell on his face and the entire incident was caught on camera, but that didn’t stop the media from reporting that an "anti-EU gang" of thugs had screamed abuse and assaulted Proinsias de Rossa - in a crass attempt to smear opposition to the European Union.
Naturally, The BBC, The Belfast Telegraph and Associated Press were all caught out!
American presidency.

I have now become painfully aware of this man's liberal left voting record in the Senate and the description of him as being 'the most liberal senator' in that House is probably justified.
Okay, then. I now want them both to lose.
It appears that I may get my wish as, one third of the democrat supporters of one, and one quarter of the supporters for the other, have declared that they will vote for republican McCain if their candidate loses - if polls can be believed, of course.
So all may be well in the end. Phew!
The Bible.

In many countries in the world, it is a capital offence to own one; in others it is imprisonable; smugglers risk their lives and freedom to take this volume to the spiritually hungry and sadly, its value to people seems inversely proportional to its accessibility.
4o different authors wrote it but a single hand guided its production. Written over centuries it possesses an amazing consistency.
It is criticised heavily but has very rarely been read by those who attack it.
Defended by Christians, there are nonetheless not all that many who have actually read it from cover to cover.
Derided as myth and fantasy, its position due to archaeology, science, and history actually gets stronger as year follows year.
I determined to read the whole thing as a project before becoming a Christian as it was clearly the most important and most influential book ever written, so how could I possibly consider myself to be 'educated' if I had not read it?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Why bother?
"Successive governments have encouraged a welfare culture that has left every family facing a £1,300 bill because the poor stay poor, it claims.
The findings by the public services think tank Reform suggest that increased welfare dependency has made it more difficult for those on the lowest incomes to do better. ...
...An education system with a "dismal record" of educating the poorest, and a complex welfare system, have together created a far more divided society than other European countries, it finds.
Means-tested benefits and higher taxes have reduced the incentives available to those on low incomes to better themselves, Reform says.
It concludes: "The unintended consequence has been a 'why bother?' economy in which a significant minority do not have the capability or motivation to succeed."
Published without comment.
The findings by the public services think tank Reform suggest that increased welfare dependency has made it more difficult for those on the lowest incomes to do better. ...
...An education system with a "dismal record" of educating the poorest, and a complex welfare system, have together created a far more divided society than other European countries, it finds.
Means-tested benefits and higher taxes have reduced the incentives available to those on low incomes to better themselves, Reform says.
It concludes: "The unintended consequence has been a 'why bother?' economy in which a significant minority do not have the capability or motivation to succeed."
Published without comment.
Police on TV.

The escape attempt led to overtaking on multiple blind bends and driving so dangerous that I thought it should have resulted in a ten year prison sentence in its own right. Anything less would be an abomination and an insult to justice for somebody quite prepared to kill untold numbers of innocents in his attempt to escape.
Incidentally, as a minor side issue, when the car was stopped, over £100 thousand pounds worth of drugs were found in the boot. Surely, this would result in an extra 15 to 20 years on the sentence, wouldn't it?
The scumbag got three and a half years in total! In 20 months he will be out!
Oh for a whiff of Singaporean justice!
Sunday, April 20, 2008

"British political parties do not serve the interests of democracy because instead of representing the people, they impose their own ideas on the public. The party workers choose what policies they will offer for public consumption work out their arguments and those of the opposition parties, they will then only talk about their chosen subjects. Thus creating the impression of an open and all encompassing political debate whilst in reality they are confining the debate to their chosen areas."
Try logic!

I could only take about five minutes of this unadulterated twaddle before reaching for the off switch.
I caught it late and so will not name the guest as I am not 100% sure that it is the man I think it probably was.
But encouraged by the presenter, with lots of giggling, we had one more person on such a show who is 'religious'.
Please God protect us from the 'religious' who sound serious, knowledgeable and committed.
The pair seemingly knew nothing; did not realise that being a Christian excludes all other religions because Jesus said "I am the way" and they were unable to uphold any logical position because, in truly puerile fashion, they both thought that you could 'pick and choose' between religions.
Let me enlighten the pair and all others like them: either ALL religions are wrong OR just one is right.
They are mutually exclusive. What can monotheism have in common with polytheism?
What can a religion relying on grace have in common with a religion relying on 'works'?
How does heaven not cancel out reincarnation?
How do warmongering and blowing innocents apart fit in with the love of the Saviour?
No. It is the politically correct, all-must-have -prizes thinking. Nobody should ever be offended for being wrong. "All religions are just different ways to God."
New Element Discovered!
Recent global climatic issues are proof of the existence of a new chemical element.
Research has led to the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science.
The new element, Governmentium (Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons & 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.
These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.
Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert; however, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction (that would normally take less than a second) to be delayed any time from four days to fourteen years.
Governmentium has a normal half-life of two to six years; it does not decay, but instead undergoes reorganization in which some of the assistant neutrons & deputy neutrons exchange places.
In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.
This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as critical morass.
When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium, since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons.
From Paul-in-Texas via Stan P. - Thanks!
Research has led to the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science.
The new element, Governmentium (Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons & 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.
These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.
Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert; however, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction (that would normally take less than a second) to be delayed any time from four days to fourteen years.
Governmentium has a normal half-life of two to six years; it does not decay, but instead undergoes reorganization in which some of the assistant neutrons & deputy neutrons exchange places.
In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.
This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as critical morass.
When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium, since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons.
From Paul-in-Texas via Stan P. - Thanks!
....a pacifist, a silly position open only to citizens of free countries with large navies.
Peter Hitchens.
Peter Hitchens.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tom is no pain!
"Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
Thomas Paine.
Thomas Paine.

David Toube, 39, and his son Harry were told that the Sunday morning session was reserved for Muslim men only.
Hackney Council, which runs the Clissold Leisure Centre in Stoke Newington, north London, claimed staff there had made a mistake.
However, the Muslim-only session was advertised on its website."
Just what is this man's problem? I am sure that he could have taken his son to the official Christian swimming session. Well, couldn't he?
Friday, April 18, 2008
YP extract.
I enclose part of a letter from a David Jones in yesterday's Yorkshire Post:
"....that was until I had to spend some time recently working with a company that will be employing 650 Polish and other eastern European workers this year. The owner of the business I was working with needed workers for a new venture and duly contacted the local Job Centre to ask them to help him find 500 people for a variety of roles. He received three inquiries but no one turned up for interview which means there are 500 people in the area claiming job seekers allowance that shouldn't be. The pay is well above the minimum wage and a good bonus is also paid which encouraged these employees to work at a speed I haven't seen in years. "
This is not of course a piece in favour of flooding the country with these truly excellent Poles but rather begging the question as to why 'the 500' can get away with this.
I know as a fact that the circumstances described in the letter of Mr Jones are repeated all over this locality too. It is shameful.
But again, my anger is directed less at the shirkers than at the wretched leftwingers who have permitted this situation to arise.
"....that was until I had to spend some time recently working with a company that will be employing 650 Polish and other eastern European workers this year. The owner of the business I was working with needed workers for a new venture and duly contacted the local Job Centre to ask them to help him find 500 people for a variety of roles. He received three inquiries but no one turned up for interview which means there are 500 people in the area claiming job seekers allowance that shouldn't be. The pay is well above the minimum wage and a good bonus is also paid which encouraged these employees to work at a speed I haven't seen in years. "
This is not of course a piece in favour of flooding the country with these truly excellent Poles but rather begging the question as to why 'the 500' can get away with this.
I know as a fact that the circumstances described in the letter of Mr Jones are repeated all over this locality too. It is shameful.
But again, my anger is directed less at the shirkers than at the wretched leftwingers who have permitted this situation to arise.
Inflation only 2.5%! - [And I have family in Holland.]

Abracadabra! Pwoooof! "Ladies and gentlemen. The Consumer Price Index is showing that inflation is just 2.5%!
[Point this deceit out to any of your friends still silly enough to still be voting Labour.]
AND for their next trick - the government will pull a hat out of a rabbit!
Not fighting cancer.

Studies have linked the UK's limited access to cancer drugs and the length of time it takes to approve them for use to its appalling survival record for the disease. "
May I remind everybody that we pour money into the NHS - indeed it is the largest employer in W.Europe and globally, is only beaten into third place overall by the Chinese Army and the Indian Railways!
So where does all this money go? It certainly ain't to 'the sharp end' is it? And why such delays in gaining approval for essential drugs? Surely, if the drugs have been accepted by other [?] medically advanced nations, why can we not follow on their coat tails?
Mike Fuller.

Well. Three and four and five years ago, I was horrified in the Sheffield Courts by the numbers of offenders from: Rumania, Albania, Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria and Iraq.
People from Afghanistan & Iraq in particular. Why are they here?
Haven't our troops been killed in trying to liberate their countries from oppression. Our lads die there; so many of theirs commit crimes here.
It just does not seem fair does it?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
And why not?

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons .... "
So just why has it been forbidden for so many decades to name criminal youths? What social purpose does it serve to 'protect' scrotes of any age?
Where an indictable offence has been committed this anonymity should be waived in all cases.
With summary offences and much younger offenders - well perhaps.
Post conviction however, all names should be in the public domain. If families are embarrassed - then good!
It is rare that secrecy serves a positive purpose and here it contributes to high levels of youth crime.
I wonder how many of my readers had realised that youth court proceedings are not open to the public either. A victory for the hand-wringing left who do not want individuals to have to take responsibility for their actions.
Emigration hammers Third World.
In 2005, there were 44 nurses who qualified in Malawi. 86 nurses left the country for the West that year. One must pray that many of these will eventually return but I doubt that most will.
My younger son worked in medical aid and acted as main assistant in major operations. His qualifications were zero; the 'surgeon' he worked alongside was only part qualified. It was either that or nothing!
The appalling European Union has wickedly come up with its insidious Blue Card Plan which results in 'skill theft' from those who need it the most. People from these countries are being ACTIVELY recruited to top up the shortfalls we have here because of governmental incompetence such as spending on bureaucrats rather than placing money 'at the sharp end'.
This policy kills people in large numbers.
My younger son worked in medical aid and acted as main assistant in major operations. His qualifications were zero; the 'surgeon' he worked alongside was only part qualified. It was either that or nothing!
The appalling European Union has wickedly come up with its insidious Blue Card Plan which results in 'skill theft' from those who need it the most. People from these countries are being ACTIVELY recruited to top up the shortfalls we have here because of governmental incompetence such as spending on bureaucrats rather than placing money 'at the sharp end'.
This policy kills people in large numbers.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
This time it IS the magistrates' fault!

This animal led a group of 50 yobs on a drunken rampage through Eastbourne: abusing, threatening, pelting passers by with cans, causing terror, inflicting criminal damage. This near riot went on for several hours!
Not only have the magistrates already told him that he will not face custody but the law does not even allow for his name to be published!
I weep for our poor, sick society and wonder at times like this begin to wonder whether those who advocate birching might not have a valid point as a comfortable prison stay would have been insufficient in any case.
Not sexist.
"Women in their forties are the biggest losers in the pay divide between male and female colleagues. Official figures show they earn an average of 20 per cent less than the men, with female managers likely to experience an even wider salary gap. Women start out earning roughly the same as men."
This will be cleverly marketed and sold to us a scandal. But the key here is the equality at the start.
Do these discrepancies exist? - Indeed they do.
As previously explained on this Blog however, I conducted an in depth study on this topic about 20 years ago in S. Yorkshire.
What clearly emerged was that these inequalities arose almost exclusively because of the interrupted career patterns of females when they have families.
An additional point today is that there is so much protective legislation for females who take maternity leave, and within most family setups it is the female who stays home when the children are poorly.
When they are in crucial management positions, clearly employers who do not have the bottomless resources of councils and government, may well decide to employ men in higher positions as they may be the safer option.
Apparent fairness? Meddling? Political correctness? Or just not thinking the consequences through?
The response will be for the left to demand UNfairness and MORE "Equality of outcome."
At some point the needs of the firm must also be taken into account. Surely.
This will be cleverly marketed and sold to us a scandal. But the key here is the equality at the start.
Do these discrepancies exist? - Indeed they do.
As previously explained on this Blog however, I conducted an in depth study on this topic about 20 years ago in S. Yorkshire.
What clearly emerged was that these inequalities arose almost exclusively because of the interrupted career patterns of females when they have families.
An additional point today is that there is so much protective legislation for females who take maternity leave, and within most family setups it is the female who stays home when the children are poorly.
When they are in crucial management positions, clearly employers who do not have the bottomless resources of councils and government, may well decide to employ men in higher positions as they may be the safer option.
Apparent fairness? Meddling? Political correctness? Or just not thinking the consequences through?
The response will be for the left to demand UNfairness and MORE "Equality of outcome."
At some point the needs of the firm must also be taken into account. Surely.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Uninsured mayhem.
"More than two million rogue drivers escaped prosecution last year as an underclass of untaxed and uninsured drivers grows at an alarming rate, figures reveal today."
I am guessing that the police have simply stopped bothering. It just isn't worth the form filling nonsense to achieve a few points on a probably non-existent licence and a £60 fine.
If the points amount to a disqualification - big deal. If the bad guys then drive - they will not go to prison.
What is the point? It is so much easier to target drivers who go out of their way to be 100% legitimate and make a minor slip up.
I am guessing that the police have simply stopped bothering. It just isn't worth the form filling nonsense to achieve a few points on a probably non-existent licence and a £60 fine.
If the points amount to a disqualification - big deal. If the bad guys then drive - they will not go to prison.
What is the point? It is so much easier to target drivers who go out of their way to be 100% legitimate and make a minor slip up.
Yes. But WHY is there so much family breakdown?
"Support for a senior Family Court judge [previously mentioned on this Blog] has come from a Christian prayer and lobby group.
Christian Voice agreed today with Mr Justice Coleridge that family life in the United Kingdom is 'in meltdown' BUT the group blames no-fault divorce, the bread-and-butter of the solicitors whom his lordship was addressing."
Good point!
Christian Voice agreed today with Mr Justice Coleridge that family life in the United Kingdom is 'in meltdown' BUT the group blames no-fault divorce, the bread-and-butter of the solicitors whom his lordship was addressing."
Good point!
Now it's fruit and veg!

"Mrs Almond, a guest lecturer on child health at Brighton University, said toddlers' bodies needed energy-rich foods, gleaned from a number of small meals and snacks spread through the day.....Youngsters were being put at risk of developing nutritional deficiencies as a result, she said." TOO MUCH FRUIT AND VEG! She is probably right, of course.
I am sure the response will be that this is merely a 'corrective'.
But what about the 'mixed messages' on:
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Margarine as opposed to butter
Too little sun/too much sun
Too much fat/ we eat too little fat
Salt bad/ salt good etc, etc.
Ozone layer holes/ holes closed up
Global cooling/ global warming
Cholesterol bad. Then cholesterol good. Then cholesterol - mixed.
Red wine bad for you, then good, then dodgy.
In fairness, some of these arguments may well be about BALANCE, in which case why was it rammed forcibly down our throats in the first instance?
Heaven preserve us from scientists with an axe to grind.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Nigel Lawson.

One of the worst has been: Multiculturalism = Integrated Society.
The word has been bandied around to such an extent it becomes part of the vocabulary people use and the more sinister idea which underpins it is then lost.
'Climate change' and/or 'Global Warming' are the same.
I strongly recommend the article in the LINK below.

Haven't we already got enough of our own?
Why is it that every foreigner convicted of an indictable offence, and every foreigner guilty of two summary offences, is not automatically deported at the end of their sentence?
One murder in five in the UK is committed by a foreigner - a great many of whom have already got extensive criminal records here.
Sorry. I DO NOT CARE about their so-called human rights - only those of their victims. Get rid! Ignore the whinging lefties.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Booker gets to the point! Another BBC scandal.
Warmists beat straying BBC man back into line.
A talking point among "climate sceptics" on both sides of the Atlantic has been the bizarre tale of how the BBC's chief reporter on climate change censored an item on the BBC website after being harried by a "climate activist".
On April 4 Roger Harrabin posted a story on the fact that world temperatures have not continued to rise in the past 10 years, and this year will fall to a level markedly below the average of the past two decades.
Citing the World Meteorological Organisation, Mr Harrabin accurately reported that "global temperatures have not risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory".
This was a red rag to Jo Abbess of the Campaign Against Climate Change (Hon President, George Monbiot), who emailed Mr Harrabin demanding that he "correct" his item.
Mr Harrabin insisted that what he had written was true. There are indeed eminent climate scientists "who question whether warming will continue as predicted".
This only angered Ms Abbess further. She said it was "highly irresponsible to play into the hands of the sceptics", to "even hint that the Earth is cooling down again".
Mr Harrabin, though he has led the BBC's tireless promotion of warmist orthodoxy, stood firm. Even in the "general media", he replied, "sceptics" highlight the lack of increase since 1998: to ignore this might give the impression that "debate is being censored".
His item had, after all, added "we are still in a long-term warming trend".
This was too much for Ms Abbess. She responded that this was not "a matter of debate". He should not be quoting the sceptics "whose voice is heard everywhere, on every channel, deliberately obstructing the emergence of the truth".
Unless he changed his item, she said, "I would have to conclude that you are insufficiently educated to be able to know when you have been psychologically manipulated". She threatened to expose him by spreading his replies across the internet.
At this point the BBC's man caved in. Within minutes a new version appeared, given the same time and date as that which he had consigned to Winston Smith's memory hole.
Out went any mention of "sceptics" who question global warming. After a guarded reference to this year's "slightly cooler" temperatures, a new paragraph said that they would "still be above the average" and that we will "soon exceed the record year of 1998 because of the global warming induced by greenhouse gases".
Of course we have long known where the BBC stands on climate change. But it is good to have such clear evidence that, even when one of its reporters tries to be honest, he can be whipped back into line by a pressure group.
In the end, Ms Abbess still circulated the exchanges on the internet, to show the great victory she had won for the "emerging truth".
A talking point among "climate sceptics" on both sides of the Atlantic has been the bizarre tale of how the BBC's chief reporter on climate change censored an item on the BBC website after being harried by a "climate activist".
On April 4 Roger Harrabin posted a story on the fact that world temperatures have not continued to rise in the past 10 years, and this year will fall to a level markedly below the average of the past two decades.
Citing the World Meteorological Organisation, Mr Harrabin accurately reported that "global temperatures have not risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory".
This was a red rag to Jo Abbess of the Campaign Against Climate Change (Hon President, George Monbiot), who emailed Mr Harrabin demanding that he "correct" his item.
Mr Harrabin insisted that what he had written was true. There are indeed eminent climate scientists "who question whether warming will continue as predicted".
This only angered Ms Abbess further. She said it was "highly irresponsible to play into the hands of the sceptics", to "even hint that the Earth is cooling down again".
Mr Harrabin, though he has led the BBC's tireless promotion of warmist orthodoxy, stood firm. Even in the "general media", he replied, "sceptics" highlight the lack of increase since 1998: to ignore this might give the impression that "debate is being censored".
His item had, after all, added "we are still in a long-term warming trend".
This was too much for Ms Abbess. She responded that this was not "a matter of debate". He should not be quoting the sceptics "whose voice is heard everywhere, on every channel, deliberately obstructing the emergence of the truth".
Unless he changed his item, she said, "I would have to conclude that you are insufficiently educated to be able to know when you have been psychologically manipulated". She threatened to expose him by spreading his replies across the internet.
At this point the BBC's man caved in. Within minutes a new version appeared, given the same time and date as that which he had consigned to Winston Smith's memory hole.
Out went any mention of "sceptics" who question global warming. After a guarded reference to this year's "slightly cooler" temperatures, a new paragraph said that they would "still be above the average" and that we will "soon exceed the record year of 1998 because of the global warming induced by greenhouse gases".
Of course we have long known where the BBC stands on climate change. But it is good to have such clear evidence that, even when one of its reporters tries to be honest, he can be whipped back into line by a pressure group.
In the end, Ms Abbess still circulated the exchanges on the internet, to show the great victory she had won for the "emerging truth".
No. I just do not get it!

Look at this from today's Sunday Telegraph:-
Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, has carried out a "near criminal" attack on high-performing faith schools, according to a leading Labour MP.
Frank Field, the former welfare minister, said Gordon Brown's closest colleague was "ranting" and using the row to position himself for Labour's "next leadership contest".
Come on Frank. Defect to UKIP. You know you will feel better!
My regular request.
Please think who might respond well to this Blog and let them have the address:
I have attempted to make a Blog which 'goes where no Blog has gone before'. Christianity is a must - Political Correctness is the outworking of diluted marxist theory.
I am of the view that it is largely the abandonment of the one and the takeup of the other which is why our poor, hurting society is in the mess which it finds itself today.
The Blog is anti-leftwing. That does not make it rightwing.
So many of the ideas I put forward would have been considered 100% reasonable by Labour voters for years after my birth and are still held by countless numbers of voters today who vote Labour 'as a family tradition' and who actually disapprove of labourite policies.
Politics is now entirely a centre-left phenomenon. It is only in the fact that this Blog rejects that, that it may be considered of the right.
In the past it would have been called 'conservatism'. Indeed, I suppose I am in fact a conservative - just happening to be one who does not like tories!
I have attempted to make a Blog which 'goes where no Blog has gone before'. Christianity is a must - Political Correctness is the outworking of diluted marxist theory.
I am of the view that it is largely the abandonment of the one and the takeup of the other which is why our poor, hurting society is in the mess which it finds itself today.
The Blog is anti-leftwing. That does not make it rightwing.
So many of the ideas I put forward would have been considered 100% reasonable by Labour voters for years after my birth and are still held by countless numbers of voters today who vote Labour 'as a family tradition' and who actually disapprove of labourite policies.
Politics is now entirely a centre-left phenomenon. It is only in the fact that this Blog rejects that, that it may be considered of the right.
In the past it would have been called 'conservatism'. Indeed, I suppose I am in fact a conservative - just happening to be one who does not like tories!
Sartre the freak and his sickening sidekick.

Sartre was an interminably tedious intellectual who today would be described as 'having his head up his own **** ' - {Please pardon the crudity.}
He was barely readable {except of course in the 'trendiest' of circles and university literature departments where his 'Nauseating' opinions were a 'must'}. Simone de Beauvoir was an opinonated libertine who gave much to that brand of feminism, previously discussed on this Blog, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the emancipation of women but had a great deal to do with the quasi anarchistic, socially destructive, leftwing liberalism which plagues our society to this day.
Between them they embraced the nihilistic philosophy of existentialism which wickedly denies the faintest hope to a lost mankind.
It has now been revealed that this odious, drug-ridden and ironically, nazi-fraternising pair of vipers, did not merely encourage promiscuity but she also acted as his procuress for bringing under age girls into his priapic clutches.
Although I do hope of course, that these vile low lifes repented their evil to the Lord Jesus, I should be profoundly surprised to learn that they were not rotting in hell at this time.
{The sestina below is amusing and to the point.}
Child Benefits in France.

My source at the time was a good one so I expect it was true but I have been unable to find any background on this.
It is the kind of measure which, if implemented on the second piece of truancy, the second time an under 16 was found hanging around a street corner after dark, the first suspension from school and the first criminal act reported to police, it might possibly have a significant effect on juvenile misbehaviour.
We must however NOT attempt it in this country!
We would be incapable of seeing it through - for even say, a year . There would be hand-wringing appeals, sympathetic articles in The Mirror, outbursts of anger from The Guardian. There would be countless different ways found by social workers to ensure that no benefits were actually lost. To top all of that, the bureaucracy would be a nightmare.
If made mandatory however, with NO excuses then .....
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The correct egyptian dating matters.

In the 50s came the first cracks in the traditionalist structure when Immanuel Velikovsky - a most controversial historian - appeared on the scene debunking the chronologies but with some rather weird ideas tagged on.
As scholarship became more realistic with James, Rohl, back to Yahuda and latterly, Emmet Sweeney, it has become ever more clear that the datings in egyptian history are not only wrong, but badly so - dates are out by centuries and evidence which showed this has been wilfully ignored.
Once again - if a scientist or academic has built a career on the 'truth' of one idea or another - how hard to admit it when you are wrong. Your reputation just goes down the toilet. [How like other scientific areas which this Blog frequently exposes.]
If compared to the OT then a whole bundle of sense starts to appear.
Clearly the Vizier of Pharoah Djoser, known in Egyptian history as Imhotep, is none other than the man who takes up nearly a quarter of the first book of the Bible - a certain JOSEPH!
Straw & co, PROTECT US WE BEG!

He is 35, a longterm career criminal and inevitably,the kind of druggie who 'gets clean' in prison but immediately reverts to type upon release.
He has been jailed for a total of four and a half years in the last three but is, nonetheless, out committing more crime!
He commits crime when on bail and crime just one day after release. He commits crime when he is given a community penalty. And of course, magistrates and judges cannot make him 'work for the community' as guidelines do not permit you to do this with a druggie as 'it sets them up for failure' - he would obviously commit more burglaries whilst on the order in any case.
He has tormented the Handsworth Community and is almost certainly the one behind our burglary last June.
He has brought fear, anger and frustration to the community. To our school he has brought disturbance and chaos and does not care. Almost certainly, our insurance premiums will rocket just because of him alone!
Do I feel any animosity to this man? - No! Not a single jot. All my venom is pointed at the 'do-gooders' who allow this man to be released into our community; the do-gooders and the soft-in-the-centre liberals who do not have a clue.
He is representative. There are literally many tens of thousands just like him spread throughout the nation.
With his atrocious record, he should now get a sentence of seven years or more without possibility of parole.
Having spoken to local coppers, they think he will get 12 months with half off for good behaviour - [That has worked so well in the past!]
At school we shall have to expect him to be popping around again within the year!
Note the cartoon. It's all a bit of a joke, innit?
In my own life, I can count ten separate situations where I have knowledge of a Church minister who has gone off the rails by taking the path of adultery.
If we consider the big name evangelists such as Bakker, Marvin Gorman and Jimmy Swaggart, we have added 3 very big names to this list.
The trouble is, so many truly genuine people get too big for their boots; they see themselves as being more important than they actually are. 'God cannot do without their ministry'. It is arrogance by any other name.
It is a classic form of temptation from the enemy - the simplest and the most effective and when compounded with using the hapless victim's libido ....
Leadership is dangerous. If not accompanied by humility it will turn to ashes.
" Blessed are the meek ..."
If we consider the big name evangelists such as Bakker, Marvin Gorman and Jimmy Swaggart, we have added 3 very big names to this list.
The trouble is, so many truly genuine people get too big for their boots; they see themselves as being more important than they actually are. 'God cannot do without their ministry'. It is arrogance by any other name.
It is a classic form of temptation from the enemy - the simplest and the most effective and when compounded with using the hapless victim's libido ....
Leadership is dangerous. If not accompanied by humility it will turn to ashes.
" Blessed are the meek ..."
The wisdom of Wesley.

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