Sunday, April 06, 2008


"Britain could become overrun with rats because so many town halls have introduced charges for treating vermin, pest experts say.
Although rats are a major public health problem some councils demand £80 to tackle infestations in homes. "

Right. Please explain what local councils are for. They don't kill pests, they whinge about weekly bin collections - some even making them fortnightly - they close public toilets; fail to repair roads properly; leave litter festering; fail to empty bins and are slow to repair broken facilities.
They are poor at keeping parks and gardens well tended; they leave cemeteries looking like rubbish tips; they do not repair street lights; footpaths are full of pot holes. Anyway, I am sure you could make your own rather lengthy list.

How come then, that Council Tax bills are shooting up way above inflation?

[Do not forget of course, uncontrolled immigration has cost you dearly.]
And apart from Councils' love of employing bureaucrats & PC meddlers - check out the links to high Council Tax bills and - wait for it -
the heavy connection to our old friends at the EU.



Assisted Dying.

News Irish Evangelicals Stand Against Growing Approval for Assisted Dying Christopher Kuo P ro-Life Alliance. With the UK making moves to le...