Saturday, April 26, 2008

Littlejohn v Straw - only one winner!

The ludicrous hypocrisy of one Jack Straw - has been a favourite for attack on this Blog. This opinionated buffoon was actually boss of the NUS when I was a student.
He acted like a silly kid then and his Peter Pan tendency has never departed.
Here is Littlejohn:

The last resort of a politician.
Jack Straw's got a damn cheek. In the Mail this week he was banging the drum for St George's Day and parroting the line about "reclaiming" Englishness from the Far Right.
It doesn't seem to have occurred to Jolly Jack that people like him are the reason there has been a resurgence of interest in St George and flirtation with parties like the BNP.
Not so long ago this hypocrite was denouncing any form of English national identity. The English couldn't be trusted because they were "potentially very aggressive, very violent" he told the BBC.

Assisted Dying.

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