Wednesday, April 02, 2008


How do you tackle these matters when you are Christian and emphatically non-racist?

There was an outcry some years ago when the Metropolitan Police allowed it to be known that 90% of muggers are black.

On 'Crimewatch' when they show their 8 'most wanted' pictures, there has never been a programme in years when their photos have not displayed a majority who were not from ethnic minorities and/or recent immigrants.

I invite you to check the link below from W. Midlands Police noting the fact that Hogan is Irish.

We are told repeatedly that blacks are over-represented in our prisons. We may have to take the blindingly obvious step to deduce that this is because they are committing substantially more crime.

The liberal left, who can hardly deny the present state of affairs, will respond in customary , blinkered and proven fashion. They will insist that this has happened because of 'racism' and 'a lack of opportunities'.

I cannot lay my hands on figures at the moment but I have seen it reported that the Chinese and the Jews have the lowest representative numbers of any ethnic groups in British prisons. Both these minorities broadly succeed.

Let us also try to gain a perspective from the 30,000 Ugandan Asians expelled by Idi Amin. They arrived in this country with literally NOTHING.
In under 20 years this group had the highest representative numbers of millionaires of any identifiable grouping in the UK.

This is a land of opportunity. The time has come to stop making excuses and pretending and keeping secrets for those who do not take the chances available.
It is worth remembering - most crimes committed by these criminals are committed against the SAME ethnic group!


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