Friday, April 18, 2008

Not fighting cancer.

"Professor Mike Richards, the national cancer director, said figures showed Britain spent £76 per head in a year compared with £143 in Germany and £121 in France.
Studies have linked the UK's limited access to cancer drugs and the length of time it takes to approve them for use to its appalling survival record for the disease. "

May I remind everybody that we pour money into the NHS - indeed it is the largest employer in W.Europe and globally, is only beaten into third place overall by the Chinese Army and the Indian Railways!
So where does all this money go? It certainly ain't to 'the sharp end' is it? And why such delays in gaining approval for essential drugs? Surely, if the drugs have been accepted by other [?] medically advanced nations, why can we not follow on their coat tails?

Assisted Dying.

News Irish Evangelicals Stand Against Growing Approval for Assisted Dying Christopher Kuo P ro-Life Alliance. With the UK making moves to le...