Monday, April 07, 2008


Christians have a duty to give. The countless scriptural texts which indicate that generosity to the needy is a necessity for believers consolidates my point.
Christians should also give to support their Church.
What does concern me often is whether believers try to find out sufficient information about how their monies will be used.
I know it was many years ago, but I do recall the scandal when War on Want were found - albeit indirectly - to be funding terror groups. Was that accidental?
Should Christians give to groups such as Amnesty - which "fights torture" when this is a leftwing front which always seemingly manages to fight against justice, unerringly taking sides with wrongdoers, at the same time?
Should we give to groups which have tried to sever links with their Christian pasts such as The Red Cross?
Should we be giving to groups with leftwing and even marxist agendas?
Christians, please do be generous. Please try to ease the lives of the unfortunate, the destitute, the sick, the hurting and the impoverished BUT please find out first PRECISELY what will happen to your donations.
[It is also wise to establish what percentage of your giving will actually reach 'the sharp end' and just how much will be eaten away in 'running costs'.]
Increase your giving - TODAY!
[If anybody is interested, we support our Church, TEARFUND, LEPRA, SENSE and occasionally the PDSA and THE SONGBIRD SURVIVAL TRUST. In addition we do our best for The Handsworth Christian School.]
Incidentally, I refuse to buy 'The Big Issue' - too many funds going to drug dealers; too many sellers wrongfully adding to their benefits which I am already funding.

Assisted Dying.

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