I could only take about five minutes of this unadulterated twaddle before reaching for the off switch.
I caught it late and so will not name the guest as I am not 100% sure that it is the man I think it probably was.
But encouraged by the presenter, with lots of giggling, we had one more person on such a show who is 'religious'.
Please God protect us from the 'religious' who sound serious, knowledgeable and committed.
The pair seemingly knew nothing; did not realise that being a Christian excludes all other religions because Jesus said "I am the way" and they were unable to uphold any logical position because, in truly puerile fashion, they both thought that you could 'pick and choose' between religions.
Let me enlighten the pair and all others like them: either ALL religions are wrong OR just one is right.
They are mutually exclusive. What can monotheism have in common with polytheism?
What can a religion relying on grace have in common with a religion relying on 'works'?
How does heaven not cancel out reincarnation?
How do warmongering and blowing innocents apart fit in with the love of the Saviour?
No. It is the politically correct, all-must-have -prizes thinking. Nobody should ever be offended for being wrong. "All religions are just different ways to God."