Friday, April 11, 2008

Abu Quatada.

The trouble is, when you say you oppose recent Europe-originating Human Rights legislation, it can make you sound as though you are some kind of anti-freedom, anti-democrat.
["S/he opposes 'human rights' - must be some sort of fascist." ]
And don't the liberal left use that grossly misleading lever to the utmost?
Of course, it is the legislation itself which is wrong. It is designed to protect the guilty and not the innocent. It is fundamentally flawed - and one has to wonder whether something this crass might not have been deliberate and malicious rather than accidental. Who knows the thought processes of those determined to undermine any remaining vestiges of hope and justice in the EU nightmare?
Consider the case in the news this week of Abu Quatada.
Melanie says:
"What would any sane country do if it discovered that living among it was Osama Bin Laden's right-hand man, who was wanted by his own country on terrorism charges? It's a fair bet that it would deport him to that country as fast as it could."

We of course have decided instead to protect his 'human rights' and probably allow him to sponge benefits off us for the rest of his life.


Assisted Dying.

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