Monday, June 30, 2008

Gateshead Council - apply for your LoonyTunesWatch coconut!

Great news from Geordie Land. Gateshead Council is one of those leading the way - in the vanguard of health and safety care, as it were. [Pass the coconut!]

Happily those wicked, death-dealing, 17 hole salt shakers in chip shops are being replaced at council tax payers' expense with the super-dooper, health-giving, life-saving, 5 hole version.

Another bonus for me is that I shall be getting more exercise if I travel up to Gateshead for me chips. I shall have to shake, rattle and roll until I have precisely as much salt on me snap as I want to have.

15 days of research and £2,000 spent. Health and Safety marches ever onward.



Worlds' First Air Powered Car.

The world's first commercial vehicle powered solely by compressed air is being developed by MDI and manufactured by India's largest automaker Tata Motors.

Luxembourg based MDI plan to sell 6,000 Air Cars in India during a product launch pencilled in for August 2008. Priced at around £7,000, the City-CAT (one of a proposed range of Air Cars) will be fitted with a carbon-fibre fuel-tank capable of holding 340 litres of air at 4350 psi. Some petrol stations will be installed with custom air compressor units capable of filling the tank in just a few minutes and for just £1.

Technology exists for driving cars on water fuel! An electrical charge splits the H2O into its constituent parts and this is burned. Currently this seems to be in kit form to be added to existing vehicles and is mixed with existing fuels.

The technology is out there to cut emissions - so WHY are governments not funding and backing these projects if 'global warming' really is an issue?
Strange, isn't it? - I do hope that the cynical out there will not be suggesting that this would 'slaughter a nice little cash cow' for the Treasury's coffers!


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fathers fiasco.

Primary schools throughout Scotland banned children from making Fathers Day cards to avoid upsetting children from single-mother or lesbian homes.

What could I possibly say?


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Professor David J C MacKay of the Cambridge University Department of Physics

At last a scientist has come up with some hard facts in the 'climate change' arena.
Rather than attempt to explain - I invite you to follow the fascinating link below:


Christian Voice Director Faces Bankruptcy over 'Springer' case .

You will remember the BBC2 transmission of Jerry Springer the Opera in January 2005 with all the protests and its failure of a theatre tour in 2006, over which I [Stephen Green] tried to bring a private prosecution for blasphemy.
Yesterday I was due to pay £55,000 to the BBC and £35,000 to Avalon in respect of the costs of my Jerry Springer the Opera action against Mark Thompson and Jonathan Thoday. It follows a High Court ruling in December that they were immune from prosecution. See:
£90,000 is money I don't have. Mark Thompson earns more than 20 times in a year what I am worth, and Jonathan Thoday has wealth in excess of £12 million.
We have a petition calling for the Thompson and Thoday to waive their costs:
When you have signed it, click on 'signatures' and be amazed at the anti-Christian hatred in the comments left by Thompson and Thoday's supporters on page 1.
It would help enormously if you were also to email the major players and take copies of this email to church so others might sign the epetition, and email or write:
Write/email simply to ask that the BBC and Avalon respectively would waive their costs. If you are writing to the BBC, you might say that you are happy for your license fee to be spent on these costs - rather than on Jonathan Ross, for example. Addresses:
Mark Thompson, BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, London, W12 7RJ. Tel: 020 8743 8000 (Interesting point: Mark Thompson made much of his claim to be a Christian when Jerry Springer the Opera was screened.)
Chairman of the BBC Trustees: Sir Michael Lyons, 48 Hartopp Road, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, B74 2QR (Letter begins 'Dear Sir Michael,')
Jonathan Thoday, Avalon, 4a Exmoor Street, London, W10 6BD Tel: 020 7598 8000
The comedian Frank Skinner is represented by Avalon. He may be sympathetic to us: Contact him at PO Box 168, London, W10 8WH
Please pray that the Lord would over-rule and remove the threat of these costs.

READ: 1Sam 24:15; 2Sam 12:1-6; Job 22:25 (!); Psalm 7:1, 10:12-18, 59:16, 61:3, 62:1-12; Prov 13:7, 18:10,23, 28:6; Eccl 5:12; Mic 2:2, 6:12; Matt 7:16, 15:19; Mark 10:25; Luke 1:51-53; 2Thess 3:1-3; Jas 5:1-6; Rev 2:9, 6:1

Stephen Green.

National Director, Christian Voice.

PLEASE FORWARD this email to your Christian friends in the following manner: Click 'Cc', highlight your Christian contacts, click 'Bcc', click 'OK' - NEVER send using 'To' or 'Cc' - only put yourself in the 'To' box.)
* If you are forwarded this E-Alert, Email me to receive a free copy of the latest newsletter and for details of how to join Christian Voice and get E-Alerts direct: email your name, land address, and church attended. Send to:
* If you do not wish to receive material from us, please email with subject 'Please take us off'.
* Please note that owing to ridiculous levels of spam, all Christian Voice email addresses are now covered by SpamArrest. Email addresses already known to this office will come through without challenge, but in all other cases you will simply have to type a word into a box. It's easy, and you only have to do it once.
Land Address for Stephen Green and the Christian Voice office:
Wernlwyd, Pen-y-bont, CARMARTHEN, SA33 6QN
01994 484544 / 07931 490050

Friday, June 27, 2008

Barrie Stedman AND the EU win a LoonyTuneswatch coconut.

Market trader Tim Down has been made to destroy 5,000 perfect kiwi fruits and threatened by bureaucrats with prosecution if he sells the fruit which are 1mm 'too small'.
Immediately after the EU claims to be 'sorting out' its rules on 'misshapen' fruits and veg to avoid waste, this is what we get!

"The Rural Payments Agency insists the rules are in place to ensure quality and uniformity.
Barrie Stedman, head of the agency's inspectorate, said: ' Unfortunately the kiwi consignment in question failed to meet the minimum standards for saleable produce, in contravention of EU grading rules."
OH and by the way. He is not even allowed to GIVE the fruit away.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chris Booker on wind turbines.

I think that there is a great deal of hot air talked about wind power - from both sides of the divide
Two have just been erected a mile or two from where we live on the site of the old Orgreave pit [Howdy, Arthur!] in the middle of an industrial estate. Try as I may, I can find no reason whatsoever to object to these if they are privately funded.
Attempting to spend £100 billion of taxpayers' money on these expensive white elephants is quite another matter; ruining countryside and skylines is an abomination; the deaths of so many birds troubles me greatly.
Perhaps the real issue is the inefficiency, however.
See what Chris Booker has to say:

"This is the unavoidable fact that wind speeds around the British Isles are constantly varying, often providing no power at all - so that the electricity actually generated by these turbines represents only between a quarter and a third of their nominal 'capacity'.
What this means is that conventional coal, gas, oil or nuclear-fired power stations must be on permanent stand-by to provide all the electricity the turbines are not able to produce when the wind is not blowing.
Earlier this month, Paul Golby, the chief executive of the German-owned E.ON (one of our largest electricity companies), came up with the shattering admission that the back-up needed for our new wind turbines would amount to 90 per cent of their capacity.
This alone would mean building scores more gas and coal-fired power plants, to guarantee continuous supply during those times when the wind is not blowing and therefore the turbines are not generating any electricity."

What can I say, other than the fact that our government are idiots. Like it, hate it, mistrust it - it really makes no difference, the future is nuclear.
Had we begun to address the problem decades ago and also during the tenure of this government, perhaps there would have been other options. There no longer are.
The French planned ahead - we did not and now our consumers will be held to ransom for generations!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

NHS lottery.

Just a couple of days after I featured the problems faced by our ancient and past-its-sell-by-date NHS, we find the tragic case of a man who committed suicide because this august body would not fund his cancer treatment. NOW try defending this appalling system which always has sufficient money for paper shufflers!


What? You don't believe me? Follow this link, then:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Did Descartes / Depart /With the thought / "Therefore I'm not"?

Trust in God.

(Psalms 86:5-7 NKJV)
For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You. {6} Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; And attend to the voice of my supplications. {7} In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, For You will answer me.

Assessment of Brown.

Okay. So Richard Littlejohn's highly accurate and exceptionally factual attack on the hapless Gordon Brown is excellent.

Even so, he fails to even scratch the surface [I like split infinitives and its MY Blog!] of the quasi marxist ineptitude of the man during his extended stint as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

He wrecked private pensions by his wicked tax grab; he sold off our gold reserves for a handful of magic beans and his spendthrift ways have become the stuff of legend.

He has poured money into state expansion and quangos without ever seeking value. He promised to savagely cut bureaucracy and deceived us.

How could anybody have ever believed that this sad incompetent could move onto the highest office successfully?

The tories had had to muddle through 4 world recessions - Chancellor Gordon, none. He inherited a strong economy and wrecked it.
Just one thing to say which is not against him - assembling a cabinet must have been a dreadful task - in a Labour Party utterly devoid of skill, presence and ability, how can such a task of such magnitude be even contemplated?
Much damage can be averted, even at this late stage - GIVE FRANK FIELD A RING, GORDON!

No wonder MPs need large salary increases!

Add to this gas, electricty, petrol, council tax et al - and we have a pretty accurate overview.
Still. If we broker in the cost of a new widescreen telly twice a year, a new laptop three times a year and a camera phone every month, it is clear that price rises are hovering around an annual rate of just 3%.

Monday, June 23, 2008

NHS can no longer be defended.

Speak against the NHS and Labour will accuse you of eating babies in your spare time.

But let us step back and consider a short while.

The NHS is the 3rd largest employer in the world. It almost certainly has the largest bureaucracy in any health system in the world.

Margaret Thatcher was criticised for quadrupling NHS spending during her tenure from £9 billion annually to £36 billion - something I was never quite able to grasp.

Labour has poured in extra funds with a remarkable freedom and has overseen the closure of a mere 32,000 beds!

Political correctness and a visceral hatred of private healthcare have made some appalling changes within systems - for example, withdrawing care from people who have had the temerity to buy their own drugs for cancer care WHEN THE NHS HAS REFUSED TO SUPPLY THEM!

Perhaps things wouldn't be quite so bad if our healthcare were not so poor by western standards. I recently read that people in the USA with no health insurance whatsoever have significantly better survival rates from common cancers than NHS patients!

The best system is the French version where workers pay a small percentage of the costs [very cheaply insured] of their treatment and have access to the best hospitals, surgeons and care because the money follows the patient and the sytem is not wastefully 'top-funded'.

Our problem is that Labour refuses to address the problem and the leftwing mantra "The tories are privatising the NHS" would prevent a new government being able to tackle this out of control behemoth.

The money that goes in should return us a tremendous system. The trouble is - a majority of the population do not really want to tackle the problem.

I mentioned the French system to a most conservative friend who was horrified at the French idea and could not get his head around the fact that insurance costs would be even less than in France and that their sytem makes us look PRIMITIVE. I am afraid that he is not untypical. This is what happens when the left control most of education, higher education and the media.

Common sense is not part of the argument - only dogma.


Orwell on the ball.

George Orwell said in 'The Road To Wigan Pier' that "The mere words socialism and communism draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, nature-cure quack, pacifist and feminist in England."

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!

Over sensitive.

I read Ceefax and Teletext Letters Pages every day.
One strange feature of these is how many people try to defend themselves against accusations which were not directed against them in the first place.
A letter might criticise hooligans causing trouble on street corners - as sure as eggs is eggs, a response will come in stating " I am a young person and I am not a troublemaker."

A letter criticises reckless single parenthood - a letter rings in telling how somebody's spouse was tragically killed leaving them to cope alone.

One correspondent attacks those conning sick benefits out of the state will inevitably result in somebody saying, " Why are you picking on us? I have had [fill in a terrible disease or condition] for years and I ..."

The same applies to tax dodgers, unemployment, illegal immigration, criticism of a section of any group on their bad manners and countless more.

Why does this phenomenon exist?
Why are people so defensive when they are in the right?
It would naturally make considerably more sense if their answers were to say, " I too deplore ..... it taints genuine people like myself who ... "
They seldom do!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

YOUR taxes well spent by Brussels.

Open Europe reports the following:

Many of the trips [ MEP junkets! ] were of questionable value. For example, one delegation of MEPs is sent to Australia every two years for over a week. Activities on the last trip included going to listen to La Traviata at Sydney Opera House, a sunset cruise around Sydney harbour aboard luxury catamaran MV Olympic Spirit, a trip to Ayers Rock to "discuss the situation of the indigenous community of Australia", and a day spent visiting 3 different vineyards before returning to a five star resort hotel to relax on the beach and enjoy dinner in the hotel's award-winning restaurant.

Farage defending us!

"The Irish government is expected to bow to Franco-German pressure and hold a second referendum to try to rescue the Lisbon treaty that voters rejected this month.
The plan for a possible new vote in Ireland, being discussed by some ministers in Dublin, will be greeted with outrage by opponents of the treaty in Britain.
Irish ministers believe it may be able to rescue the treaty if they can secure concessions from Europe to placate voters on a list of issues.
“A yes vote can be achieved if the Irish people are offered guarantees on issues like defence and taxation,” said one senior Irish official."
'The no campaign will be picked off one by one. Everyone has a price.'
Everybody who is a democrat must now recognise that the EU is unreformably perverse; it is not some mere irritation; some trifling annoyance or a distant threat to liberty. It is an absolute and total danger to this nation.

If you are one of the apathetic and do not yet 'get it' - our political elite has sold us out!
What the blazes is David Davis doing? - Trying to distract us from the considerably more important issue?

THE EU IS UNMITIGATED EVIL and MUST be opposed at every step.
No more time for griping and fence-sitting. UKIP must be returned as the largest party from the UK in next year's EU elections!


***** (Strongly recommended - sound required - Farage in majestic form.)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Leonard Cohen.

For those who believe that the 'man' is just the squeaky, broken-voiced, high pitched misery guts of the late 60s and early 70s - you could not be more wrong.

Manchester last night was simply the best concert that my wife and I have ever been to.

The voice now is close to double bass, pure, perfectly phrased and genuinely melodic. The voice has as many layers as the songs.

Two and three quarter hours of sublime pleasure. At about 74 the voice just gets better and better; the humour was dry and the accompanying musicians, superb.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Question Time.

Normally, I do not watch Question Time as it can make me so angry that my already poor sleep levels tend to plummet even further.

I caught up with last night's programme this morning as I wished to see if Nigel Farage would perform well - and he did.

David Davis, who is no great fan of the EU, but significantly will not sign up to the 'Better Off Out' campaign, was featured defending his recent decision to quit his Haltemprice seat without ever managing to convince that it was a worthy stand on a relatively minor issue in amongst the much greater wrongs being perpetrated by the political elite and the EU.

The reason I am writing on this topic is because the other three on the programme were the rather limp Hillary Benn, the appalling Jerry Springer and the usual, dippy Lib Dem - this particular version being a doe-eyed, young female.

The point is that whenever the talk ranged across EU issues, Davis and Farage simply put forward logical, factually-based arguments which you could only disagree with in regard to interpretation.

The other trio simply switched to generalities: allegedly noble concepts, perceived inevitabilities, distant paradises, pie-in-the-sky dreams and utopian outpourings.
They were lamentably short of facts, airily brushed aside references to democracy [apart from the Lib Dem who had the good grace to look a bit shifty at one point] and all three had eyes that gleamed and glistened in a quasi trance-like state, clearly reminiscent of some latter day Saint Teresa of Avila.

I almost feel guilty criticising these people on the grounds of their religious beliefs!

Taxpayers enjoy funding the feckless.

"Almost 200,000 teenage drifters are living on benefits after dropping out of work and education, official figures revealed yesterday."

Well. I don't mind funding them - do you?


When I was a child of about 8, I began carrying a knife to school and continued to do so until I left Sixth Form.
For most of those years, the knife I bore was one bought for me by my grandfather when I was 11.

This was an extremely common phenomenon and indeed, at break times, out came the knives.

At this point, anybody reading this under the age of 35 will be horrified and assume bloodcurdling threats, serious injuries and in some case deaths in school playgrounds.

Sorry. That is now. In my day I NEVER even heard of any injury committed by a schoolboy's pocket knife. [The knife-wielding thugs and Teds were much older and their threats seem very small beer compared to what happens today.]

How do you explain to people that life just wasn't anything like today?

There was a respect for God and authority and teachers.
You may not have liked them but the respect was there. We were not the natural rebels that teachers, the famous - and the liberal left had created; they had not at that point wreaked their social havoc.
Leg-a-stretch was a game played on grass by 2 people. The knife was thrown into the grass wide of the foot of your opponent who was facing you. The foot would then have to move to where the knife was sticking in the ground and he would then have his turn.
If the blade did not stick then no movement was required.
When you reached a point where you could not stretch any more - you lost.
Imagine that game played today by 8 year olds. The litigious and health and safety loonies would turn apoplectic.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Rolling Stones highlighted a problem.

The Rolling Stones sang about 'Mother's little helper' - Benzos!Unfortunately, these killers and life-wreckers have been dished out like dolly mixtures by some GPs.
They have a place - but this is only for a short term application and then only if substantially monitored.
We as a nation should not be turning out drug addicts by the hundreds of thousands. Estimates of 1.5 million people in this country alone, as addicts is nothing less than a scandal.
One relative of mine has used these successfully - one friend was given a dosage 18 times greater than the one she was taking! Needless to say, this was an unmitigated disaster.



Christians will all be aware that "Faith without works is dead." (James 2:26). However churches begin to hit serious problems when they start to embrace 'a social gospel' in preference to the true Gospel - the good news of salvation and God's Kingdom.

A grouping called FAITHWORKS launched "A report on Effective Christian Presence in Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire" in Leeds on the 12th of June and it has all the hallmarks of a body designed to subvert further the Gospel rather than to propagate it - preferably in the manner so beloved of the soviets in their attitudes to the Church. SOCIAL WORK WITH EU FUNDING - which ALWAYS means STRINGS ATTACHED!

Sadly, the majority of those involved are Anglicans - some quite senior although a N. Ireland non-conformist called Malcolm Duncan is the top dog and it seems that 'his word is law' in the group.
Those of a suspicious nature will not be pleased to note the dead hand of Yorkshire Forward as a sinister presence behind all of this.

"The Commission and Faithworks both follow closely the guidelines laid down in the Soviet National Revolutionary Process, which was revealed by Soviet defector Yuriy Bezmenov.
Processes commended in the Soviet scheme include politicisation, commercialisation, ignorance of scripture, subversion of leadership, leading to drift away from the churches towards social enterprises as substitutes for religion, and eventually the total marginalisation of Christianity and its leadership."

"EFFECTIVENESS" is their watchword and it is clear that this may not be measured in any way by the spread of the Gospel but only by the accomplishment of social tasks - involving many links with key people in the community - but no mention of these being Christian.

Talk about weasel words in such a context “Effective Christian Presence is dependent on local entrepreneurial visionary leaders and strong committed project managers who have good relationships with local worshipping communities."
Funny that. I thought it was dependent on God's Holy Spirit within us and working through us!

Those commending the report include the C of E Bishops of Wakefield, Pontefract, Ripon & Leeds, and Grimsby. Stephen Burgess chairman of the York and Hull District of the Methodist Church, and also in charge of the Government’s quango on rural affairs. Surprisingly The RC Bishop of Middlesbrough, who has not been in post for long. Then the regional leaders of the Baptists and the URC, plus the leaders of the remaining Methodist Districts.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 26th, Price Caspian released.

Well. If its as good as "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" - we have a great deal to look forward to.

CS Lewis was one of the great Christian writers of all time. Who says that being a Christian is 'intellectual suicide' when some of the greatest minds of all time have met The Living Lord?

Yes - I am aware that he had his struggles after his wife's death - but he came through stronger than ever!

To the Home Office - a LoonytunesWatch coconut!

'Prisoners who go on the run could have the time cut from their sentence, internal Government papers revealed last night.
Convicts will be able to count both the day they absconded and the day they were caught as time spent behind bars.

But convicts will be able to count the day they absconded as time spent behind bars.
A criminal could walk out of an open jail in the morning and hand himself in the next day, and both days would count as time served.'

Methinks that the dead hand of the ECHR can be detected behind all this idiocy.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to reinterpret democracy - Labour MEP-style.

"Nor should we accept the bleating from Eurosceptics that there is somehow something undemocratic about a new referendum. It is perfectly reasonable to address a divergence in the positions of the 27 EU countries by asking the minority of one to think again - especially if its concerns have been addressed. What would be undemocratic would be to allow the one to prevail over the many."

Well, Richard. It reminds me of the image of '3 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch!'

Now, there's BLEATING, for you!

Oh, and by the way - I and many others got it wrong voting to remain in what was lyingly branded as a Common Market. So do we get a fresh vote?



'Murder suspects will continue to be granted bail after Government lawyers ruled that a blanket ban would breach their human rights.
The Ministry of Justice was asked by Number 10 to consider whether the law should be changed to prevent suspected killers being released back on to the streets.
But Whitehall lawyers have concluded that any 'presumption' that a suspect should be denied bail would flout the European Convention on Human Rights.'


The Lisbon Treaty.

Self-Amending Treaty Article 48, Article 308 and others make the treaty self-amending in that they enable the European Council to extend the areas in which the EU can legislate and make major changes to the functioning of the Union by majority vote, without the need for a new treaty and, therefore, without the need for referendums in Ireland or elsewhere.

This part of the Lisbon Treaty bears the same hallmarks as the Enabling Act of March 23rd 1933 passed by the Reichstag which handed Hitler absolute power.
A single vote majority - without any checks and balances - could steamroller our 8% MEPs in the EU Parliament.
If this power exists IT WILL BE USED! No parliament should have such entitlements.

This is no longer just an expensive, meddlesome, corrupt pain in the rear. It now threatens the futures of our children and generations beyond. It cannot be ignored. They have trimmed away our freedoms piecemeal. Now they have gone for the BIG prize.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Award a coconut.

Frances Done, who is Chairman of the Youth justice Board, has announced that we should be jailing even fewer youngsters than we do at the moment.

This naive and sadly misguided do-gooder wants to see "more rigorous community penalties". And pigs might fly!
[Perhaps she would care to explain precisely what will be done when these offenders treat these penalties with the same contempt that they use for their ASBOs?]

Oh dear. [please consider yourself the winner of a LoonytunesWatch coconut, madam.]

5 unnecessary dead.

Five more dead in a week. Time to bring the troops home from Afghastlystan and preferably not in body bags.

That this has been an exercise in futility is one thing, that recognition of the fact is not being made is quite something else!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nasty, selfish lefties!

What a story! Lefties really aren't that nice as people. The link below offers genuine proof for what I have long argued.

Abortion drug death.

Mother's heartbreak as A-level student dies two weeks after taking abortion drugs
An A-level student died when an abortion went tragically wrong. After her condition deteriorated she went to hospital, but doctors were distracted by another emergency and delayed giving her a life-saving blood transfusion for more than four hours.Her mother told an inquest of the 'worst hours of my life' before medical staff turned off her life-support.Llywela Jones said the family and her daughter's boyfriend spent days with her in intensive care. 'I gradually realised that Manon had already left us and was not likely to recover,' she said.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Irish eyes are smiling!

So the Irish got it right in their referendum. Well done!
Last time, when they voted down The (not-so) Nice Treaty - they were ordered to keep on voting until 'They got it right.'

How will their treacherous government respond THIS time?

Last time the monies which bought the 'yes' were EU and Irish Government funds combined with 1,100% more funding available than the 'no' side had available.
Watch this space. The CONstitution died because of votes in France and Holland.
It was renamed and BY THEIR OWN RULES the Lisbon Treaty is now dead.
Watch it come hurtling back like a latter day Lazarus.
Will it be renamed, yet again? Will French, English and Hollander voters be trusted with a little democracy? - Emphatically NOT!
Our Masters in Brussels and their quisling sidekicks in politics over here will NEVER again allow silly things like democracy to get in the way of the 'Grand Plan'.
Just how can any thinking person continue to support this despicable oligarchy?
How many people still buy into the scam that this wicked organisation is fundamentally benevolent?

Macmillan and other assorted wretches.

As early as 1961, the Macmillan Cabinet was aware of the loss of sovereignty involved in this nation joining what was to be 'sold' as a Common Market.
Following the machinations of the devious Monnet, the Tories fell for the con, hook, line and sinker.
12 years later, the traitor Heath lied to the public - the largest lie ever told by any politician in Britain's entire history.
Andrew Alexander writes: " ....the Community's Supreme Court Ministers concluded that 'a major effort would be needed to persuade the British people to accept these encroachments on our national sovereignty'.
We all know how that effort was eventually made. It was by lying."
The lies continue to this very day and they are growing!


Monday a number of Christian organisations were raided including the Student Christian Movement of Zimbabwe (SCMZ) and Zimbabwe Christian Alliance (ZCA). Five ZCA staff members were taken to Harare Central Police Station for questioning with one said to have been assaulted, and also the general secretary of the Geneva-linked SCMZ together with four staff members, one with a seven-month-old baby. ZCA national coordinator Revd Useni Sibanda said: ‘This is pure harassment of church organisations. We are just doing our usual work and don't understand why we should be attacked by riot police like this.’Sources: Ecumenical News International (10/6), Baptist Times (12/6)

Thanks to NEWSWATCH for this information.


A Church of England report 'Moral, But No Compass', published this week, has been forthright in its criticism of Labour policies under Tony Blair, and Gordon Brown’s claim to have a moral compass, saying that the Government evidence has huge gaps about faith communities and churches in particular. The Government, it says, has discriminated against Christian churches in favour of other faiths, especially Islam. It calls for a faith envoy or ‘Minister for Religion’ to advocate the contribution made by faith communities at the highest level.Sources: The Baptist Times (12/6), Church of England Newspaper (12/6),The Times (7/6), The Daily Mail (7/6)

Many thanks to: NEWSWATCH for the information.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...