Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To the Home Office - a LoonytunesWatch coconut!

'Prisoners who go on the run could have the time cut from their sentence, internal Government papers revealed last night.
Convicts will be able to count both the day they absconded and the day they were caught as time spent behind bars.

But convicts will be able to count the day they absconded as time spent behind bars.
A criminal could walk out of an open jail in the morning and hand himself in the next day, and both days would count as time served.'

Methinks that the dead hand of the ECHR can be detected behind all this idiocy.


I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed. I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed.

Former archbishop George Carey backs assisted dying campaign after 'conversion'. EXCLUSIVE: Lord Carey said the Church of England, w...