Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Evil advice!

The housing departments of councils such as Durham and Doncaster as well as Hackney, Islington, Brent, Camden and Hounslow in London, refer those who do not have a house to the Advisory Service for Squatters via their websites. The Home Office also consults the organisation on its equality policies.
The squatters' handbook advises:
• Break in during the day and wear council-style overalls to avoid suspicion.
• Deactivate alarm sensors with Sellotape and muffle the sound of alarm bells with a few coats.
• Once the home is secured, get the kettle on.
• Apply for council tax benefit as soon as you move in.
• Cite the Human Rights Act 1998 if the gas and electricity firm won't reconnect you. Cite the Water Industry Act 1999 if the water firm tries to disconnect you.
The guide boasts: 'Only a small minority of squatters ever get nicked.

Daily Mail.
