Sunday, September 07, 2008


Oh dear. We are constantly being berated by the holier-than-everybody else, Desmond Tutu, retired Archbishop of Capetown.

Some 25 years ago, two S. African Christians stayed over in our house. They mentioned the rampant poverty in evidence literally on Desmond's very doorstep and claimed that S. African Christians were aiding these poor folks whilst Des did nothing. The truth of that, I do not know but it was presented to me vehemently as absolute fact.

Similarly, I wish that this appalling, liberal christian would stop pretending to be 'cuddly' and try to understand the Gospel instead of making liberal pronouncements about 'God weeping' when genuine believers are simply trying to stick to God's Word as regards homosexuality.

To claim that Christians should forget the homosexual issue and concentrate on world poverty is disingenuous and illustrates that he preaches a 'social gospel' in character with many social leftists.

To help the poor, deluded chap, here are two points he would do well to learn:

1] Man is not entitled to revise and recategorise God's teaching on what is sin and what is not.
That is simply liberal arrogance.

2] The first duty of the Christian is to preach the Gospel - which means GOOD NEWS. Good news of what? - Well, News of the sacrifice God has made so that we may avoid hell and get to heaven. That should be our priority.

And NO! I haven't said that Christians should not work very hard to help the Third World!

The Habit Which Is Family Worship.