Friday, September 12, 2008

Sheep and goats.

Text: Matthew 25:31-33.

' When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his throne of glory; and all the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate them from one another, just as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left.'

Thus commences one of the most sublime passages in the whole of the New Testament as Jesus goes on to explain that "What you did for the least of these - you did for Me."
An anglican spy has now revealed to me that the opening part of the passage is no longer preached and although to the best of her knowledge this is not official policy - it IS most certainly the practice.

Perhaps we might ask a simple question - "Why did God the Son come to earth to die: why was it necessary?"

The answer "To save the lost" is correct. But in liberal churches throughout the land it is being preached as "To save everybody" which is most emphatically NOT what the Scriptures say. Salvation is offered to all - not everybody will accept it! That is why Christian responsibility to spread the Good News is so vital; so many are headed to a lost eternity!
If liberal reasoning were the case, Jesus's sacrifice was not at all necessary as an indulgent god could simply have waved a magic wand over all people 'to make everything sweet, nice and okay.'
NO! Repentance is required. Those who do not do so ARE GOING TO HELL - however unfashionable that might be in the liberal circles where god is fashioned into man's image.
Salvation means 'being saved from hell'. Redemption means 'being bought back; bought at the greatest of prices!'

PLEASE NOTE. Matthew 25:31 shows WHO will do the dividing up - it is JESUS!

So are you one who has repented and accepted the sacrifice of the Living Lord for your sins or are you not? - There is no other way.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the teaching of Christianity across the denominations. It has always been the Message. You may accept or reject but what you may not do is to pretend that there is some 'other way' or that Christianity preaches something different - coz it just ain't so!

Your choice!

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