Leaving aside the Tory lurch to the left which simply muddies the waters, let us consider the truth of all this.
There may no longer be an agenda of rampant nationalisation, but that apart, it is difficult to see how this claim may be made at all.
The Labour Party has always had to 'cosy up' to big business in the past and until marxism is firmly in place - will always have to, irrespective of the views of hard left supporters.
Labour is attempting to marginalise the monarchy; has gutted the House of Lords -the only real check on its activities - and has ignored our constitution in order to promote its own ends.
Above all, it is fully committed to a disincentivising, high taxation policy.
It muddles along with its unerring nose for supporting the workshy, criminals, illegal immigrants and the undeserving whilst ignoring the problems it has caused for the ill, the mentally ill, the decent and the hardworking. This undiscriminating approach to the welfare state has always rankled with Labour voters, whether with Old or New Labour.
Labour is attempting to marginalise the monarchy; has gutted the House of Lords -the only real check on its activities - and has ignored our constitution in order to promote its own ends.
Above all, it is fully committed to a disincentivising, high taxation policy.
It muddles along with its unerring nose for supporting the workshy, criminals, illegal immigrants and the undeserving whilst ignoring the problems it has caused for the ill, the mentally ill, the decent and the hardworking. This undiscriminating approach to the welfare state has always rankled with Labour voters, whether with Old or New Labour.
And naturally, both Old Labour and New are the great creators of bureaucracy.
On top of all this, it has fully endorsed the society-undermining agendas of the liberal left and its marxist roots are never too deeply hidden below the surface.
On top of all this, it has fully endorsed the society-undermining agendas of the liberal left and its marxist roots are never too deeply hidden below the surface.
Perhaps the biggest difference in the present age is that New Labour happily wears a suit and tie.