The rather specious argument goes, 'It is the only way to deal with falling populations in the future'. Add this to our own government limply claiming that 'immigrants are needed to do the jobs our own people won't do' and you have the full picture!
Never mind the schools with over 20 different first languages amongst pupils; the new ghettos; the crime from unemployed immigrants which I have witnessed first hand in the courts.
Let us forget the pressures on health, housing and social services not to mention the debunking of preposterous government claims that there has been a net financial gain.
How can we avoid the point that every immigrant with a job has displaced a job vacancy? And every immigrant without a job ..... ?
Until recently when the argument became totally absurd, many leftists have tried to make the dubious claim that there are more people leaving than arriving.
Now that we are demonstrably the most crowded place in Europe, perhaps we may also point out that the figures to which they refer are largely retired people who have retired abroad - taking their money with them - often to escape the dreadful place that this country has now become! The irony is not lost on me.
Secondly, the brain drain continues!
All of this before we look at the cultural damage being perpetrated against the people of this nation exacerbated by never ending multifaith and multicultural supporters who constantly deny the need for integration like the pie-in-the-sky buffoons they truly are.

Shameless propaganda.