Saturday, September 20, 2008

Please DIE!

The darling of the liberal elite, Baroness Warnock, wants people with dementia to be euthanased. It is not entirely clear that this would necessarily be a voluntary 'goodbye'.

As somebody who is a genuine fence-sitter on the issue of euthanasia it is people like the noble lady who make me wonder if legislation could ever be introduced to help the terminally ill at the very end of life - it is real 'thin end of the wedge' stuff. Too dangerous, perhaps? The abuses would run riot as they have done with that other sick joke, The 1968 Abortion Act.

I have never got over the point that so many of the pragmatists who are willing to butcher children in the womb and knock off the elderly on grounds of mere inconvenience are so very frequently the self same bods who claim that executing violent murderers is both immoral and barbaric.
I just do not get it!


The Habit Which Is Family Worship.