Sunday, March 30, 2008

50 mgs?

Oh no! Here we go again. the 80mgs of alcohol per 100 mls of blood limit to be reduced to just 50 mpgs?
Let us hope that this mad idea will not catch on. It "will save lives" say the worthy interferers. Rubbish.
What will this actually achieve? - It will simply criminalise people who are driving with very low alcohol levels in the blood.
I have jailed drink drivers on occasion.
I have sat in many courts and many are the drink drivers whose licences I have gleefully removed and to criminalise a new sector of society for perhaps having a single drink is 'nanny state' in full flow.
The 80 mgs limit at present is perhaps around two pints of standard bitter over two hours for a man of average build who has not got an otherwise empty stomach. - Or is it? To be certain that your metabolism does not get you into trouble, responsible people have to drink significantly less than this in their planning.
So just what does a 50mgs limit achieve?
We are still in the business of trying to catch the person who abuses drink and who then drives. Will this change affect the attitudes of such criminals one jot? - Of course not.
As with speed cameras on fast, wide roads where a 10 mph greater limit is probably more sensible, and which clobber people for being marginally over the low limit, this simply targets the people who are the lesser problems and utterly fails to address those who are the greater problems.
Drunk drivers should be punished VERY severely. This does not help.

It may eventually have to lead to there being no mandatory ban for lower level drink driving. That would be a backward step. People today know "You are over the limit - licence gone!"
That is the way it should be.

When will left of centre governments learn that oh-so-simple way forward? -



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