Saturday, March 08, 2008

Unintended - caused by stupidity.

The 'law of unintended consequences' is something which is inevitably going to affect liberal left governments more than most.
The reason why, is that they work against the grain of human nature and voter needs; they work to agendas of how they believe life should be rather than how it actually is.
The numbers of examples for this government are many and varied.
But consider further back in history, the abolition of the grammar schools. Who could have foretold that destructive efforts 'to improve social mobility' would have had the reverse affect?
The system worked purely on postcode, thus condemning intelligent working class children to their local comprehensive, which would tend not to be of the best.
Inevitably, middle class areas would had generally better comprehensives anyway because of attitudes to education within that class and so the intelligent working class were denied access because of reasons of location.
The problem became worse because the middle classes operated their own 'selection system' by deliberately buying housing in the better catchment areas. Who could blame them for wanting the best for their children?
40+ years on, the left are still trying every possible means to remedy this gross inequality whilst at the same time refusing to countenance the only thing which can achieve that goal - to restore the grammar school.

Assisted Dying.

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