Wednesday, December 02, 2009


To the eternal shame of the British political classes, our nation is now subjected to the totalitarian whims of the EU's Lisbon Treaty - complete with its 'self-amending section'. This means that Brussels can now effectively do what it likes to us for all time.
The real tragedy is how few British people have grasped the depths and depravity of this course of action. Perhaps they do know and are just too apathetic to care even though this changes our nation for ever.
The free speech and democracy we have all taken for granted may well be no more. it has already been massively eroded - here is the final nail in the coffin.
It does make you wonder to what extent 'global warming' has been used to direct our minds away from vital issues.

I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed. I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed.

Former archbishop George Carey backs assisted dying campaign after 'conversion'. EXCLUSIVE: Lord Carey said the Church of England, w...