Friday, December 07, 2007

Adultery - just a bit of fun?

I wonder how Alison Corin feels at the moment, knowing that her adultery was directly responsible for her husband William hanging himself?
Perhaps she should not feel too bad though, after all society plays it down and refers to it as a mere 'fling' or an 'affair' - doesn't sound quite so bad then, does it?
Agony aunts no longer 'take a moral stance'; the media have conspired to undermine marriage; even 'Carry On' films made adultery into 'a bit of a joke'.
Soaps are an amoral mass of meaningless 'bedhopping'; the general public must never criticise what is always 'a personal issue' and if Christians speak out against the moral decay in our society - they are 'judgemental'.

Adultery adds significantly to the sum total of human unhappiness.
Not everybody pays a price like the Corins but I wonder how much adultery contributes to murder, acts of violence and literally millions of children who have seen their families become fragmented because of the selfishness of a parent?

If you think about it, it has a temporary - sometimes permanent - effect on housing occupancy levels as divorce puts additional pressure on the housing market. It looks like the 'Christian way' was the best one, after all.
I think my wicked 'judgementalism' is preferable to all the negatives above - don't you?


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