Sunday, December 16, 2007

Food shortages

Somebody recently stated: "Britain is no longer in a position to prepare for food shortages: all power to do so has been surrendered to Brussels, which has no policy on the matter."
I do not believe this. They DO have a policy.They want us to be utterly dependent.

In World War Two, we struggled to feed the nation with only paltry amounts of food brought in by our brave merchantmen.

If we were ever to find ourselves on a war footing again, where would the food come from? Pro-EU governments have systematically dismantled our abilities to feed our nation at the behest of our Masters in Brussels.

'But there won't be more wars', they declare naively, as if being part of an empire protects you.

If you know any history of empires, look at these and note how wars and rebellions break out in every one, even the more brutal ones. They are typically about rights of self determination.

Well. Over 70% of our laws come onto the statute books, on the nod, direct from Brussels.

Worried yet?

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