Friday, December 07, 2007

Morning after madness.

I must admit that I have extremely mixed feelings over the use of the 'morning after pill'.
Post rape, I feel that it is a wholly proper means of moving forward and anything which obviates what may then, not unreasonably be called a NEED for a later abortion, has to be welcomed.
Tragically, this logic is also used by those who 'pop this pill' under rather different circumstances as a cover for their promiscuous behaviour.
Some argue that this is just a very early abortion which technically at least, is true part of the time. Nonetheless, as conception does not tend to take place immediately after intercourse, it is very likely that it simply prevents conception. So what is it?
Would we class it as late contraception or a very early termination? - Difficult.
What is unarguable is that giving what can be a life-taking drug to 12 year olds on demand and without parental knowledge is an abomination.
Uninformed parents can see their children removed from their care if the little darlings are involved in sexual relationships and yet pharmacists, social workers, school nurses and doctors all conspire to keep this vital knowledge from the people who matter most in the equation.


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