Wednesday, December 12, 2007

BBC bias is no laughing matter.

Fewer than a third of Britons believe the BBC performs well when it comes to accurate news reporting, a survey has revealed. Only 29 per cent gave a positive rating to publicly-funded news.
It was a lower figure than people in ten of the 14 countries involved in an international survey.
Public news services in Russia, Venezuela and Egypt were among those rated more highly by viewers and listeners.
Earlier this year a survey for the regulator Ofcom showed that the number who think the BBC is impartial has fallen to 54 per cent from 77 per cent in 2002.
The BBC was also criticised for its liberal leanings in an official report this year, which sparked claims that it was "institutionally biased".
BBC chiefs were attacked for not reflecting a broader range of views and not thinking out of its left -leaning "comfort zone".

In court you swear to tell 'the WHOLE truth.' The Beeb pretty much always tells the truth. The problem is more with what it leaves out. If you follow their reporting you would think that there is only a single side to countless issues - beginning with the EU and Single Currency! This is extremely serious. Please remember that the BBC is part funded by the EU. You must never bite the hand that feeds!


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